Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Christopher Formaggia

Llantilio Crossenny

Mon 21st Oct 2024

Main sighting: Goldcrest

Pair of goldcrest in garden hedge. PUC is also indicating 2 detections of firecrest but not confirmed visually. Other species this morning are redwing, fieldfare, green woodpecker, kingfisher, robin, house sparrow, long-tailed tit, dunnock, blackbird, wren, kingfisher, carrion crow, tawny owl, jackdaw, blue tit, siskin, great tit, rook, mistle thrush, moorhen pied and grey wagtail, raven, Eurasian treecreeper, song thrush, Canada goose, goldfinch, magpie and a single swallow.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff lagoons

Sat 19th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Highlights

En-route to hides: robins, woodpigeons, pheasants, Canada geese, buzzard (light-morph regular), moorhen, 13 long tailed tits and blue tit. Hide 1: Single avocet and dunlin, 4 teal, 10 wigeon, dunnock, 82 lapwing flying across and 64 (un-ringed) curlew flushed from lagoon 3 by a jogger in a luminous top running the full length of the sea wall. One curlew has a badly damaged leg which is bent backwards. Cettis, magpies and 2 chiffchaffs en-route to hide 2. At hide 2, 29 more teal, stock dove, 8 shoveler, female stonechat, jackdaws and blackbird. Snipe platform: 171 more teal, 10 more shoveler, 21 gadwall, coot, black headed gulls, 26 swans, mallards, chaffinch, pied wagtail, cormorant and 2 swallows. En-route to seawall – skylarks. Seawall: 10 shoveler flying in off the sea, 1 great black-backed gull with herring gulls and meadow pipits. Hide 3: wren, 18 oystercatchers, 1 little egret, female kestrel and linnets. Back by snipe platform were 2 pairs stonechats (both males chasing each other), goldfinches, 2 jays overhead and a bullfinch calling. Other: 2 hawkers (possibly migrant) and small tortoiseshell butterfly.

Neville Davies

Chapel Lane, Goldcliff

Sat 19th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Red Kite

1 being mobbed by several jackdaws near the solar farm.

Ruth Brown

Blorenge, Abergavenny

Sat 19th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Bramblings

About 6 birds ( they were quite far away!) feeding on Rowan at the top of the hill this morning

David Hathaway

Olchon Valley

Fri 18th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Peregrine Falcon

3 Peregrines flying together on ridge then went high in sky


Portland Bird Observatory area weekend, including Ham Wall, Lodmore, Radipole, Ferry Bridge and Chew Lake

Sun 13th Oct 2024

Main sighting: 100 Bird Species

100 species noted over this weekend (11th-13th Oct 2024 inclusive):
Brent Goose; Canada Goose; Greylag Goose; Mute Swan; Shelduck; Shoveler; Gadwall; Wigeon; Mallard; Pintail; Teal; Pochard; Tufted Duck; Scaup; Common Scoter; Pheasant; Stock Dove; Woodpigeon; Collared Dove; Water Rail; Moorhen; Coot; Little Grebe; Great Crested Grebe; Oystercatcher; Ringed Plover; Lapwing; Bar Tailed Godwit; Black Tailed Godwit; Snipe; Turnstone; Dunlin; Kittiwake; Black Headed Gull; Mediterranean Gull; Common Gull; Herring Gull; Great Black Backed Gull; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Arctic Skua; Guillemot; Sooty Shearwater; Great Shearwater; Gannet; Cormorant; Shag; Little Egret; Great White Egret; Grey Heron; Sparrowhawk; Marsh Harrier; Hen Harrier (juv.); Red Kite; Buzzard; Barn Owl; Little Owl; Kingfisher; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Green Woodpecker; Kestrel; Merlin; Peregrine; Jay; Magpie; Jackdaw; Rook; Carrion Crow; Raven; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Bearded Tit; Skylark; Swallow; House Martin; Cetti’s Warbler; Long-Tailed Tit; Chiffchaff; Grasshopper Warbler; Blackcap; Firecrest; Wren; Starling; Song Thrush; Redwing; Blackbird; Robin; Stonechat; Wheatear; House Sparrow; Dunnock; Yellow Wagtail; Pied Wagtail; Meadow Pipit; Rock Pipit; Chaffinch; Brambling; Greenfinch; Linnet; Goldfinch; Reed Bunting.
Many thanks to the GOS organisers of this great weekend.

Shaun Healey

Peterstone Wentlooge

Sun 13th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

Common Scoter (3 feeding offshore)
Merlin (female chasing Dunlin)
Spotted Redshank (1)
Black-Tailed Godwit (300)
Curlew Sandpiper (1)
Knot (60)
Turnstone (30)
Dunlin (400)
Redshank (350)
Curlew (15)
Oystercatcher (7)
Kingfisher (1)
Little Egret (1)
Wigeon (70)
Pintail (50)
Teal (15)
Shoveler (200)
Shelduck (250)

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 12th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Cattle Egrets

En-route to hides – woodpigeons large flocks high overhead (Continental birds), mallards, pheasants, crows, robin, jackdaws, starlings, Canada geese, herring gulls, moorhen, ravens, swan pair (in the reen) and blue tits. Hide 1: single black-tailed godwit, 2 redshanks, 2 teal, magpies and 3 cattle egrets that dropped in on the island at 0732 then left at 0758. Hide 2: wren, 19 lapwing, 75 more teal, cettis (2), cormorant, reed bunting, pair stonechats, meadow pipits, song thrush, 2 snipe overhead and 3 skylarks. Snipe platform: 24 more swans, 32 more teal, 12 shoveler, 18 gadwall and 3 wigeon. En-route to sea wall: 3 curlew, male kestrel, chiffchaff contact call and chaffinch. Seawall: 8 oystercatchers, shelduck, black-headed gulls, 15 more curlew, 3 dunlin, 58 more wigeon and an immature common gull. Hide 3: water rail squealing, adult female sparrowhawk crossing the lagoon, 2 little egrets, 15 greylag geese, 5 rooks, juvenile male sparrowhawk perched on a post was mobbed by a passing female marsh harrier. Back on the seawall was a very showy and immaculate juvenile female northern wheatear (and a basking red admiral on the wall). En-route to the car park pied wagtails, goldfinches, great tit, linnet and 9 swallows. Other: speckled wood by the entrance and small white.

Lee Parsons


Thu 10th Oct 2024

Main sighting: House Martin

Single House Martin at 10:25am.

Verity Picken


Thu 10th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Redwing

The first garden Redwings this morning.

Verity Picken


Sun 6th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Brambling

A nice male Brambling in the garden – the first of the autumn. A flock of 80-100 Goldfinches has been around for a week or so now, plus a few Linnets, Greenfinches etc.

Chris Formaggia

Llantilio Crossenny

Sun 6th Oct 2024

Main sighting: Pair of goldcrest

Pair foraging in garden hedge along with 1# pied flycatcher, 2# robin, 2# blue tit and several house sparrow. All observations also captured in audio on monitor. Goldcrest present 0714 to 0902.

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