Allan Dowson
goldcliff lagoons
Sun 27th Jun 2021
Main sighting: Grey Plover
1-Grey Plover today,also 4-juvenile Black Headed Gulls amongst a flock of 160+BHGs
Neville Davies
Boat Lane to the saltings
Sat 26th Jun 2021
Main sighting: Curlew
Swallows, pheasant, skylarks, cettis calling, reed warbler singing, linnets, reed bunting family group and from the seawall 1 common whitethroat singing, 108 shelduck, 31 curlew, 27 lapwing, 1 heron and 1 little egret. Other: stoat running along the path, small tortoiseshell butterfly, large skipper and in the reen a mix of four-spotted and broad-bodied chasers and an emperor dragonfly egg laying with an azure damselfly landing on her back.
Neville Davies
Goldcliff Lagoons
Sat 26th Jun 2021
Main sighting: Juveniles
(No sign of spoonbill, garganey or wood sandpipers). Dawn – md-morning visit: Pheasants, chiffchaff 2, common whitethroat 1 male singing by hide 1, cettis calling, 6 skylarks, moorhen with 2 chicks and pied wagtail family group. Redshank Platform – 85 redshanks (46 more from hide 3), common buzzard, little egret 3 (1 juv), oystercatcher 5, lapwing 18, black-tailed godwit 2 (1 in breeding plumage), lesser whitethroat calling, dunlin 6, sanderling showing well, green woodpecker calling and 3 grey herons. Snipe Platform – juv little grebe present again, 2 pairs tufted ducks, reed warbler singing, gadwall 8, sand martins 42 with 2 swifts mixed in, 5 swallows elsewhere. Seawall – oystercatcher 21 and 45 curlew on the saltings. Mix of pied wagtails and meadow pipits along the sea wall and a pyramidal orchid half way down on the left towards hide 3. Hide three – teal 15, ringed plover 2, shelduck 23, mute swan 3, male marsh harrier, reed bunting bringing food to the nest and 3 little ringed plovers (adults). Hide one – black-headed gulls 92 with a single juvenile in front of the hide and 13 more ringed plovers. Other: good numbers of meadow browns, 1 small tortoiseshell.
Mike and Jackie Pointon
Goldcliff Lagoons
Fri 25th Jun 2021
Main sighting: Redshank
Further to Brian’s sightings: 18:30 -21-15 Redshank 120 Curlew 80 Whimbrel 2 Black-headed Gull 140 Ringed Plover 30 Little Ringed Plover 4 Oystercatcher 35 It was good to meet up Chris Jones who saw a female Gadwall with seven young. And most remarkable, totally calm, not a hint of wind!
Sugarloaf Mountain
Fri 25th Jun 2021
Main sighting: Yellow hammer
Several males calling perched on top of ferns on the main path up the mountain about 100metres from car park
B Thomas
Fri 25th Jun 2021
Main sighting: Sanderling
1st platform: Sanderling: 3rd hide: Garganey: Reported and gone: Spoonbill, Garganey, Green Sandpiper
Andrew Crowder
Tue 22nd Jun 2021
Main sighting: Wood Sandpiper
Single bird from the first hide this morning. Pair of Little Ringed Plover and 3 Black Tailed Godwit from 2nd hide. Distant pair of buzzards in the haze – one was probably ‘Bosprey’ and 30+ Teal.
B Thomas
Tue 22nd Jun 2021
Main sighting: Wood Sandpiper
First hide: Wood Sandpiper
Iain Crawford
Sudbrooke NP26 5TA
Mon 21st Jun 2021
Main sighting: Rose coloured starling
Adult rosy starling, at 5pm was in buddleia bushes by social club, then flew to South side of pumping Station.
Cold and windy location, definitely jacket required.
Graham Agg
The Narth
Mon 21st Jun 2021
Main sighting: Hobby
Hobby observed hawking among Hirundines over The Narth at midday, also single Wood Warbler heard trilling in Trellech Common Woods (they seem much fewer in the woods on the Trellech plateau this year).
Chris and Theresa Stone
Sudbrook, Caldicot
Mon 21st Jun 2021
Main sighting: Rosy Starling
A Rosy starling appeared in our garden this morning approx 9.45, it was later found by the social club and gave good views.. It was seen later on the roof of the cottages past the pump house briefly, but the club is a good/better? bet.
John O’Sullivan
Goldcliff Lagoons
Mon 21st Jun 2021
Main sighting: Wood Sandpipers
3 Summer Plumaged Wood Sandpipers from the seawall hide plus 19 Teal. 80-100 Sand Martin feeding in the shelter of the seawall in a cold N wind. Male Marsh Harrier showing beautifully, 3 LRP, a single Dunlin, 12 Black Tailed Godwit, also 3 Little Egret and a Great Spotted Woodpecker