Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


John Edwards


Tue 23rd Mar 2021

Main sighting: Chiff chaff

Heard and saw first chiff chaff near river Ebbw

John Edwards


Tue 23rd Mar 2021

Main sighting: Chiff chaff

First chiff chaff heard and seen near river Ebbw.

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Tue 23rd Mar 2021

Main sighting: Red KIte

Red Kite 1 Buzzard 4 Peregrine 3 and Raven 1

Graham Agg

Trellech Common Woods

Tue 23rd Mar 2021

Main sighting: Chiffchaff

Chiffchaff calling around midday in Trellech Common near Maryland.

Bob Potter

Nedern Brook, Caldicot

Tue 23rd Mar 2021

Main sighting: Sand Martins

Sand Martins (15) 0715hrs; Little Egret; Teal; Widgeon; Gadwall; Tufted Duck; Shelduck; Redshank; Coot; Moorhen; Greylag Goose (pr); Green Woodpecker; Greater Spotted Woodpecker; Chiffchaff.

Bob Potter


Mon 22nd Mar 2021

Main sighting: Lesser Redpoll

Lesser Redpoll pair seen feeding on my Sunflower Hearts feeder this morning 0745. I have never seen them in my garden before.

Tadhg Burrell

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 21st Mar 2021

Main sighting: Waders and wildfowl

Plenty of lapwing, some wigeon left, shelducks, black tailed godwits, flock of knot, 2 redshank, up to 10 shoveler, Canadian geese in fields. 2 Bird of prey on fence possibly kestrel or peregrine. Heard first Chiffchaff. (all birds viewed from hide closest to car park.

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Rhymney river

Sun 21st Mar 2021

Main sighting: Goosanders

Rhymney river, part of Michaelston circular walk – 1 pair (M&F) and 3 others (M&2F) of goosanders moving quickly on the river; also GS woodpecker, nuthatch, buzzard, herons, linnets and chaffinch flock; mistle thrush & others

tony & jan jenkins


Sun 21st Mar 2021

Main sighting: Chiffchaff

A couple of singing birds along the Penterry ridge, also red kite flying north and sparrowhawk over the church.

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Sun 21st Mar 2021

Main sighting: Avocet

61- avocets this morning,34 on the tide line and 27 on the lagoons,also 52-Black’wits with the lagoon Avocets 10h20-11h55

Verity Picken

South of Usk

Sun 21st Mar 2021

Main sighting: Snipe

Quiet on the river but more activity in the boggy fields – 24 Snipe, 12 Teal, 4 Mandarin, 3 Goosander, 17 Mute Swan, 20 Mipits, numerous Skylarks, singing Chiffchaff.

Roger Jenkins


Sun 21st Mar 2021

Main sighting: Red Kite, Goshawk, Peregrine, Buzzard

Loads of Buzzards, 2 Red Kites, male Peregrine and a large female Goshawk all showing well this morning.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]