Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Chris and Theresa Stone


Tue 3rd Nov 2020

Main sighting: Firecrest

In garden this morning before moving off through neighbours garden

Simon James Bedford


Mon 2nd Nov 2020

Main sighting: Various

Continental Flocks of up to 2000 woodpigeon over the Wye Valley and Cleddon Beech Woods attracting immature Goshawk at 14.25 in the open and Male Sparrowhawk .Mixed Flock of Crossbill and Hawfinch of around 40 birds heading S.W .Female peregrine joining in the pigeon hunt high above
the ridge above the Priory .Occassional Sporadic flocks of fieldfare and redwing at river level coming in to roost before sundown .

Julia Whittaker

Mynydd y Gaer

Sat 31st Oct 2020

Main sighting: Hen Harrier

Male Hen Harrier

Tim Padfield

Mountain road above Brynithyl

Fri 30th Oct 2020

Main sighting: Snow Bunting

Feeding at the side of the mountain road that goes to Abersychan.

Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Thu 29th Oct 2020

Main sighting: Hen Harrier

Ringtail harrier over Hafod Road in filthy weather this afternoon. Failed to make headway into the wind and disappeared over Clydach Gorge towards Gilwern Hill.



Wed 28th Oct 2020

Main sighting: STOCK DOVE

Anne Richards

Dingestow, Monmouth

Tue 27th Oct 2020

Main sighting: Redwings

About 50/60 Fieldfare/Redwings in trees and flying about in Countryside Dingestow, Monmouth

tony & jan jenkins

Magor Pill to Redwick

Mon 26th Oct 2020

Main sighting: brent geese

High tide walk this afternoon produced 2 DB Brent geese flying upriver, on the tideline, 30 knot together with a few dunlin and single turnstone, inland 35 curlew on the field,

Tadhg Burrell

Fourteen Locks

Sun 25th Oct 2020

Main sighting: Kingfisher

Single female kingfisher. Now seems to be a regular occurrence fishing on the canal. Mallards, Juvenile mute swan, moorhens, long-tailed tits.

Tadhg Burrell

Fourteen Locks

Fri 23rd Oct 2020

Main sighting: Kingfisher

1 Kingfisher, several mallards (20+) squabbling over females, 1 Juvenile mute swan, Moorhens (adults and juveniles), Goldfinches, Blackbird.

Nicholas Beswick

Hafod Farm, Brynmawr

Fri 23rd Oct 2020

Main sighting: Woodcock

A single Woodcock over at dusk, heading on to the moor. Brambling earlier with numerous Chaffinches and Goldfinches,


Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 23rd Oct 2020

Main sighting: Cetti's Warbler

A Cetti’s Warbler was calling frequently from behind the Snipe platform and another in the hedgerow across the field from the Redshank platform. A Chiffchaff was calling, not contact calling, a proper ‘Chiffchaff’ call from the car park area. Very little on the lagoons with the raised water levels so I was surprised to see a flock of 100+ Dunlin which flew over Monk’s but eventually settled on Prior’s where the ‘island’ usually appears. There were also about 8 Curlew and 20 Lapwings and a couple of Curlew Sandpipers were mixed in with the Dunlin..

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]