Ed Stevens
Fri 28th Aug 2020
Main sighting: Long-eared owl
Mid afternoon long-eared owl roosting in hedge east of black rock, 5 spotted flycatcher, 1 lesser whitethroat, 1 swift, 4 yellow wagtail
Verity Picken
Llangybi - nearby
Fri 28th Aug 2020
Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher
Three Spotted Flycatchers together, one carrying food. Numerous Chiffchaffs, one singing.
Mike and Jackie Pointon
Thu 27th Aug 2020
Main sighting: Swift
Swift 1 House Martin 8 Sparrowhawk 2
Ed Stevens
Thu 27th Aug 2020
Main sighting: Firecrest
Firecrest in mixed flock of blue tits, long tailled tits, blackcap and chiffchaff. In hedge along seawall between surbrook and second Severn bridge
B Thomas
Thu 27th Aug 2020
Main sighting: Osprey
Am: dam end . Successful fishing osprey
Allan Dowson
Black Rock
Mon 24th Aug 2020
Main sighting: common sandpiper
9-Common Sandpipers,1-Spotted Flycatcher,1-Willow Warbler,1-Chiffchaff and m+f-Blackcaps. 10h30-12h00
Verity Picken
Mon 24th Aug 2020
Main sighting: House Martin failure
House Sparrows ousted House Martins from every single nest on my house this year.
HMs began building at six sites – 3 nests were ⅞ built, 1 was ½ built and 2 were started.
Three nests changed hands repeatedly as nesting material taken in by HSs was removed by HMs, only to be taken back in by HSs. At other nests HSs stood guard on the gutter above the nests, calling constantly and aggressively.
In every year from 2005 to 2019 at least 3 nests were successful in spite of constant intimidation (in 2016 HMs were evicted from five of nine nests).
Providing terrace HS nest boxes made no difference.
This year’s total failure makes it a sad year for a declining species.
Verity Picken
River south of Usk
Sun 23rd Aug 2020
Main sighting: Swift
Five Swifts, 40 House Sparrows, Little Grebe, numerous Chiffchaffs
Blair Jones
Goldcliff Lagoons
Sun 23rd Aug 2020
Main sighting: Waders
A relatively quiet morning at the lagoons. Priors – Greenshank x 2 , Lapwings x50, Knot x 10 (a number in breeding plumage), Common Sandpiper x 1, Green Sandpiper, Black Tailed Godwits x 150+, Redshank x 30, Black-Headed Gull x 15, Teal x 8, Shoveler x 13.
Turnstones x4 and Dunlin x 3.
Monks – Dunlins and Ringed Plovers ( approx 100+) and Knots x 4.
Becs- Dunlins and Ringed Plovers ( approx 80+)
Other – Wheatears, Yellow and Pied Wagtails, Swifts, House and Sand Martins, Whinchat and Meadow Pipit.
Little Egrets and Grey Herons.
Out on the foreshore near the pill – 150+ Shelduck and Curlew ( 30+)
No sign of the Pectoral Sandpiper in the morning.
Adrian & Charlotte Edwards
Peterstone Gout
Sun 23rd Aug 2020
Main sighting: Curlew
More towards Peterstone village at high tide – >100 Curlews, similar Oystercatchers, >200 black headed gulls, also mallard, >50 swallows, 100 redshank, 2 greenshank, 5 ringed plover, 7 common sandpiper, 6 little egret, 1 grey heron
David Stokes
Chapel Road Goldcliff
Sat 22nd Aug 2020
Main sighting: Short Eared Owl
8.45am the Owl was quartering over A farm field.
Neville Davies
Goldcliff Lagoons
Sat 22nd Aug 2020
Main sighting: Curlew Sandpiper
Dawn – 11.30 Swallows 11, house martin 2 and chiffchaff contact call. Hide one – a whimbrel stayed hunkered down on the edge of the island (still there at 11.15), 2 grey herons, 4 little egrets, 1 common snipe and 1 cormorant (no sign of pec sand). Snipe Platform – single swift going over which was a nice surprise, 2 skylarks, glossy ibis, 281 black-tailed godwits. Marsh Platform – 51 lapwing, 1 greenshank in with common redshanks and 4 knot. Hide Three – this was where all the action was with a feeding flock of 146 dunlin, 198 ringed plovers with 7 turnstone, 2 sanderling (adult and a bird going into autumn/winter plumage) and 6 more knot (2 in breeding plumage). A juv curlew sandpiper came in and fed on the narrow bank of mud slightly right of the hide. A wheatear and 3 whinchats were on the fence line left of the hide and 2 sand martins passed over. A juv female peregrine passed through causing some commotion and a single ruff and a green sandpiper also seen. A kestrel flew overhead towards the Point. Other: comma, gatekeeper, meadow brown and large white butterflies, 3 migrant hawkers, 1 ruddy darter, several damselfly species to be ID with at least one blue-tailed.