Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Blair Jones

Mynydd Twyn-Glas Pontypool

Sat 13th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Linnets and Lesser Redpoll etc

The gorse habitat at Penyreheol and the surrounding mountain moorland has been full of birds – Stonechats, Willow Warblers, Linnets, Lesser Redpolls, Bullfinches, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks, Wheatear and Reed Bunting. Also Magpies, Jackdaws, Carrion Crow, Buzzard, Raven and Lesser Black Backded and Herring Gulls.
The male Linnets and Redpols have been looking particularly colourful.
There is more on my blog detailing the birding to be had.

Chris Forster Brown

River Monnow

Fri 12th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Swift

At least 50 swifts over Monnow at 6.30 am. Great to see so many. A few sand martins below. Single marsh tit in Mitchel Troy. At least four tree pipit singing from felled forestry and adjacent ‘parkland’ trees behind Pen y Clawdd Farm, Dingestow.

Graham Agg

Trellech Common Woods

Fri 12th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Cuckoo

Single cuckoo heard this morning in Trellech Common Woods; small group of crossbills passing over; single woodwarbler singing (seem to be doing rather better this year – I’ve heard 4 singing territories in Trellech Common Woods, 2 in Manor Wood, 1 near Beech Cottage pen y Fan; 3 in woods to east of Beacon Hill heathland and 2 near Pancake Wood); a fine male bullfinch in garden (The Narth) and green woodpecker excavating for ants in my lawn today.

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Tue 9th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Garganey

First visit since lockdown,using platforms only as hides still closed.Highlight was a male Garganey on the bank of Priors lagoon.Apart from one LRP juv. the only other juvs.were Canada and Greylags.66-Black Headed Gulls have returned but no juvs.

Mark Davies

Rholben & Sugar Loaf

Tue 9th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Wheatear

Several Wheatear including 3 Fledglings around the Sugar Loaf along with a Red Kite , a Kestrel , a couple of Ravens , loads of Meadow Pipits and Stonechat , a couple of Whinchat and several Skylarks . On the Rholben a couple of calling Cuckoos , a pair of Redstart and a single Yellowhammer .

Waltraud Englefield

Wye next to Showground

Mon 8th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Goosander with chicks

Goosander with 6 chicks, Mandarin Duck with 5 ducklings, nesting Mute Swan, Kingfisher, Wren, Willow Warbler, Grey Heron, Raven, Crow, Cormorant, 6 Canada Geese, male and female Grey Wagtail, Blackbird. All early morning.

jon holmes

coed morgan

Mon 8th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Hobby

Hobby flew over the house this morning with the local swallows in hot pursuit

Mark Whitaker

Wood near Edmund's Tump

Sun 7th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Firecrest

Male singing in conifers and seen well, also Spotted Flycatcher and singing Wood Warbler within 100 metres or so. Nearby Siskin pair courtship and probable Raven’s nest. Common Crossbill flying low and calling at Graig Syfyrddin and male Tree Pipit and Redstart singing on W slope of Tump.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Sun 7th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Shelduck

Pair of Shelducks with eight small ducklings.

Chris Stone


Fri 5th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Kittiwake

Single bird floating/flying up Severn with tide. 6.20pm + 4 BH gulls later

Iain Crawford

The Bryn, Abergavenny

Fri 5th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Kingfisher

Kingfisher, common sandpiper, buzzard, red kite, 2 stock doves, oystercatcher and (little?) ringed plover near pylons, 5 collared doves, heron, 5 goldfinches, 300+ sand Martins

Jonathan Saville

Near Pandy

Thu 4th Jun 2020

Main sighting: Curlew

Single curlew near Pandy, first sighting in my local patch for c.3 years. Not much else in a 3 mile walk, male Redstart, pair spotted flys, recently fledged pied&grey wags on the Honddu, reasonable swift numbers for the patch.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]