Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Wheatear

One male Wheatear near the track up to the reservoir. Skylarks singing, Meadow Pipits displaying and Stonechats on territory in the gorse. Unseasonal group of six Mistle Thrushes over.

Ed Stevens


Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Goosander

This afternoon 5 goosander over surbrook heading east

Chris and Theresa Stone


Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: red kite

I was sat on my balcony shortly after mid-day when suddenly a red kite appeared in front of me having rose up from the beach I ran to call Theresa but when I looked back to see it had disappeared eventually picking it up with two more they flew towards second severn crossing rang Paul Barrowman who lives at Severn Beach and he had 5 from his bedroom window, from here reckon had 8/9 there at least. Something to be said for isolation.

Blair Jones and john lawto


Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Waders , Crows and Glossy Ibis

Visted just afterdawn. Monks Lagoon – busy with waders. Lots of Redshanks, flock of Ringed Plovers and Dunlins – including one Little Ringed Plover. Literally a murder of crows today early on with a big flock of 30+ birds fighting on Monks Island. Avocets 70 + Black Tailed Godwits 15. Glossy Ibis and a single Ruff ( may have been more out of view). Priors – Large flock of mixed ducks – Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall, Tufted Ducks, Shovelers, Mallards, 1 x Pintail ( not the hybrid), 3 x Goldeneyes. ( Glossy Ibis also at one stage).
Flock of 17 Avocets. Lots of redshanks. Usual Coots. 1 x Little Egret and 1 x Cormorant.
Canada Geese amazing in numbers as usual and Greylags also.
Crows observed testing the breeders any chance they get.
Reed Buntings showing in various places, Redwing and Fieldfare remain in hedgerow. Chiff Chaffs and Cettis singing away.

John Bennett

garden in Usk

Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Comma butterfly

Comma butterfly on the Rosemary .Also chiffchaff heard a few days ago

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 21st Mar 2020

Main sighting: Marsh Harrier and Waders

Later afternoon visit. Spoke to a few people who reported to me seeing a female Hen Harrier on three occasions. I was unable to refind it. A juveline “male” looking Marsh Harrier visited on two occasions quatering Priors Lagoon particularly. The population of Redshanks seems to have exploded. Lots all over the reserve. Noted Avocets were congregating on Monks today – 73c. Black tailed Godwits on Monks 33. I saw separate flock of 20+ birds, Flock of 31 Knots flew over Priors. Mixed Flock of Dunlins and Ringed Plover on Monks . Quite a few Gadwall around. Chiff Chaffs have started singing in hedgrows particularly at entrance. Cettis calling behind Snipe Platform. Glossy Ibis showing well and spent quite a bit of time on Monks Lagoon today.

Peter O'Duffy

Gilwern Hill quarries

Fri 20th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Wheatear

Two Wheatears at Gilwern Hill quarrires

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 20th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Chiffchaffs

AM visit: 11 chiffchaffs noted (9 near the entrance) and a cettis calling also and the three stonechats still present along the fence line. Hide one – 1 buzzard, 120 starlings, single redwing through, group of 24 crows together and already harassing the waders, lapwing, 24 redshanks, 2 pairs of skylarks, 2 pairs ringed plovers, 1 mute swan. Redshank platform – 2 goldcrests in the willow, blackcap singing from the hedgeline, snipe calling, 2 black-tailed goswits amongst a good number of 43 avocets and 2 mute swans. Snipe platform – 92 teal, 104 shoveler (good numbers today), 96 wigeon, glossy showing intermittently, 3 pairs of tufted ducks, 4 pairs of gadwall and a pair of little grebes. Seawall – good numbers of curlew and shelduck on the mudflats with 2 gt black-backed gulls and 8 dunlin only. Hide three – the ringed Canada Goose (FANC) from Windermere was present again. Back at hide one 2 pairs of reed buntings were flying about.

Neville Davies

Red Farm Barn lagoon

Fri 20th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Sand Martins

9 sand martins feeding over the lagoon early this morning.

John Lawton

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 20th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Skylark

A pair of Skylarks on the fence as it turns towards the sea wall hide, others heard although not seen. Avocet and Redshank numbers continuing to build. Ringed Plovers taking possession of their nesting spaces on the island in Monks. Glossy Ibis seen on Prior’s. The usual high numbers of Shoveler, Wigeon, Shelduck, Canada Geese, Greylag also a pair of Gadwall. A Snipe was spooked from by the electric fence on the way down to hide three. It waited until I was practically on top of it before flying towards the reed bed on Prior’s and I was told for it to be waiting like this is more characteristic of a Jack Snipe.

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Fri 20th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Little Ringed Plover

1-LRP,1-Ringed Plover both on 1st island,43-Avocets and 2-Spotted Redshanks all on monks lagoon.10h30-13h00.

John Evans

Lliswerry pond

Thu 19th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Sand Martin

At least three buzzing the pond at 1300

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