Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Nicholas Beswick

Llandegfedd Reservoir

Wed 4th Dec 2019

Main sighting: Smew

Male Smew still present at the north end of the reservoir along with three female Goldeneyes

Chris Forster Brown

RSPB Uskmouth

Wed 4th Dec 2019

Main sighting: Bittern

Good view of a bittern flying over reedbed for several hundred metres. At least three water rail squealing from reeds, 4 or 5 Cetti’s warbler. Female sparrowhawk along shore. Good mix of waders and waterfowl in the estuary. At Goldcliff lagoons, the glossy ibis showing well, male and female marsh harrier separately, peregrine on island on Priors. 22 avocet out on mudflats, good numbers of curlew and lapwing. Amazingly, still one swallow feeding near ‘tower house’.

Simon James Bedford

Red house Barn flooded meadow

Wed 4th Dec 2019

Main sighting: Wild fowl

102 Canada goose 78 wigeon peregrine flushing around 70 lapwing 2 snipe 80 fieldfare and redwing .2 fem sprawk hunting starlings 2 bull finch in Osier near gate Buzzard and 42 Tufted Duck .14.34 PM

Simon James Bedford

Ynys y fro reservoir

Wed 4th Dec 2019

Main sighting: Wild fowl

28 LBBGull 3 GBBGull ad Goshawk 3 Snipe in drained lower 6 goosander (all redheads) 12 pochard !!! 7 tufted duck 43 Canada goose in adj. Field and a kingfisher over water on upper res. Also grey heron with juv ..all 07 45 this morning

Bryn & Ros Burgess

Llandegveth Reservoir

Tue 3rd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Smew

Male Smew still present and with female Goldeneyes at North end as found by Craig Constance yesterday. Also Kingfisher on dam wall. Common Sandpiper and Goosander (f) from Pettingale Point.

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Tue 3rd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Glossy Ibis

1-Glossy Ibis on right hand bank of prior’s lagoon alongside Canada Geese.Also one or maybe two Swallows at the round house.Peregrine was on the first island and 3-Snipe near extended platform on left bank of priors.12h20-14h00

Chris Forster Brown

Llandegfedd Reservoir

Tue 3rd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Smew

The male smew tucked well into Sor Bay on west side of Reservoir at 12.30. The bird appeared to retain a little eclipse plumage (a little streaking), though was generally very white. C. 15 wigeon also in this bay and c. 80 teal. Three female goldeneye on the reservoir and a handful of mandarin. Kingfisher on dam side.
At Pen y clawdd farm (Dingestow) early morning, c. 15 meadow pipit on track (not recorded here before). Several hundred redwing in hawthorns around farm and up to 20 or so fieldfare.

Simon James Bedford

Saltmarsh Lane to seawall and foreshore

Tue 3rd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Various

2 buzzard 1000+starling 5 goldcrest 8 muppet 6 stonechat fem sprawk 50 plus redwing and fieldfare mute swan . Flats ..curlew dunlin redshank little egret 85 wigeon mallard teal greying goose shelduck

Simon James Bedford

Black Rock

Tue 3rd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Various

48 wigeon fem kestrel 14 mallard 2 teal 21 redshank 1 oystercatcher 2 curlew .meadow pulpit pied wagtail .LBBGull

Simon James Bedford

Ynys y fro reservoir

Tue 3rd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Various

2 pochard 3 little grebe 4 lbbgull 1 grey heron 1 little egret 3 snipe (bottom half drained res) 5 mallard 1 gadwall 1 GBBGull male sparrowhawk

John Lawton

Llandegfedd Reservoir

Mon 2nd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Male Smew

Posted on Twitter by Craig Constance and later by Gavin Vella both illustrated by photographs. “Near Osprey pole, with pair of Goldeneye”.

Mike andJackie Pointon

Sluice Farm

Mon 2nd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Water Pipit

At least 3 Water Pipits this morning along with Meadow Pipits also many thrushes feeding in the hedgerows especially nice to see good numbers of Song Thrush here and at Peterstone Gout.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]