Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mike andJackie Pointon

Sluice Farm

Mon 2nd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Water Pipit

At least 3 Water Pipits this morning along with Meadow Pipits also many thrushes feeding in the hedgerows especially nice to see good numbers of Song Thrush here and at Peterstone Gout.

Chris West

Oxbow the Bryn

Mon 2nd Dec 2019

Main sighting: Little egret

2 little egret, buzzard, grey wagtail, 3 cormorant, pheasant, 3 long tt.

Blair Jones

Uskmouth Newport Wetlands

Sun 1st Dec 2019

Main sighting: Hen Harrier

Just before the starling murmuration began a Hen Harrier ( female) cruised into the reserve and circled heading off towards the lighthouse over the reeds ( pics on various media). Murmurtion was pretty good.
Also – 2 x Marsh Harriers seen. Fieldfare and Redwings in hedgerows throughout reserve.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 1st Dec 2019

Main sighting: Various

It was relatively quiet today – lack of waders on the lagoon witha few Curlew. Peregrine spent time perched up on isalnds of Monks and Becs. Kestrel was hunting on Becs viewable from seawall hide. On priors were 5 Snipe and the usual collection of ducks. Notably a swallow on Priors skimming across the water.
Stonechats, Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails, Starlings and Fieldfare and Redwings in hedgerows.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Pill and Saltmarsh

Sun 1st Dec 2019

Main sighting: Waders

On the Pill at dawn and high tide on the mud – Avocet x 22, Dunlins 100c, Curlew x 20, Oystercatcher x 17. Starlings 1000c in various flocks. Wigeon, Shoveler and Shelduck. 20 c Redshank.
Looking towards Redbarn. 1 x Marsh Harrier and big flock of Lapwings 300+ . Boat Lane hedgerows full of winter thrushes – Fieldfare and Redwings.

Mike andJackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 1st Dec 2019

Main sighting: Swallow

3 (pos 4)Swallows feeding near the round house with occasional visits to Prior’s Lagoon. Also;Chiffchaff 2 Peregrine 1 Good numbers of Teal, Galdwall, Wigeon and Shoveler Lots of geese with serveral hundred Lapwing towards Saltmarsh Lane. And Red Admiral.

Daniel Webb

Goldcliff Pill

Sat 30th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Merlin

High tide at Pill was fabulous for waders on a cold morning with biting easterly breeze. The peak counts of the roost were 63 grey plover, 7 knot, c140 dunlin, 1 golden plover, c300 lapwing, c70 curlew, 3 blackwit, 21 avocets, 36 oystercatcher, 7 snipe, 2 pintail, c340 wigeon, 106 shoveler, 3 gadwall and 12 shelduck. 2 merlins were hunted through the Pill during the morning, a female marsh harrier disturbed the roost and plenty of redwings, fieldfares and starlings in the hedges and on the pasture.

Neville Davies

Red farm barn

Sat 30th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Passerines

Masses of fieldfares and redwings, 200+ lapwing, 8 curlew, male kestrel, 1 heron, cormorant, single swallow and a male stonechat. Saltmarsh lane visit – again lots of winter thrushes, 1 goldcrest, pair of stock doves and 15 long tailed tits.

Neville Davies / Paul Coombes

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 30th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Swallow

Early am visit highlights – masses of redwings and fieldfares, male peregrine on 1st island when I arrived at 0715, flying around later as was a female, 4 curlew from hide 1 with a single dunlin and black-tailed godwit mixed in, 155 teal, pair of kestrels (male dropped from a post by hide 3 to catch a worm), 2 buzzards, shoveler, 600+ starlings feeding, 2 chiffchaffs, 5 lt egrets, good count of 74 gadwall, 2 snipe, 48 lapwing, 1 heron, 1 male stonechat, meadow pipits, 2 lt grebes, skylarks, 3 tufted ducks and female goldeneye. Seawall – 2 swallows aerial feeding around the sheep, 21 avocet on the saltings with 82 curlew.

Graham Thomas Thorne

River Ebbw Risca

Fri 29th Nov 2019

Main sighting: dipper

Dipper seen feeding and flying across river by fire station.Also 1 Pair of Gooseander being swept down stream in very strong current

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Fri 29th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Swallow

2-Swallows around the round house at the point,14-Avocets ,59-Gadwall and a Peregrine with prey,could have been a Fieldfare,on 1st. island.10h30-12h15.

Graham Thomas Thorne

Ynysfro Reservoir

Thu 28th Nov 2019

Main sighting: coot

Amongst Gulls and canada geese.of note 70 coot 10 l ittle grebe and 25 tufted duck

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Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
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