Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mark Whitaker

Trellech Common

Thu 4th May 2023

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

3 males in song only 100 metres apart (all three seen) but no others seen/heard in the woods. Also close by, Firecrest and Garden Warbler singing – all the most interesting birds in one small area.

Bob Potter


Wed 3rd May 2023

Main sighting: Swifts

Swifts – around 25 flying in over the sea wall around 10am.
Plenty of Swallos also flying in.
Male Cuckoo seen between Snipe hide and Seawall hide.
Male and Female Marsh Harriers (seen separately)
Reed Warblers; Lesser Whitethroats; Whimbrel (2); Reed Bunting; Dunlin; Avocets; Wood Sandpiper (1st Hide).

Chris Le Clare


Wed 3rd May 2023

Main sighting: Swift

Three swifts flew over Handpost area of town. 1st sighting of the year.


Bryn Gwyn wood Trethomas

Tue 2nd May 2023

Main sighting: Cuckoo


Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 2nd May 2023

Main sighting: Wood Sandpiper

Following the bearded Tit Survey this morning at Uskmouth we went to the GL. Wood Sandpiper 1 Monks Yellow Wagtail 1 male usual warblers singing. Other Ornge Tip butterfly. And at Uskmouth a Hairy Dragonfly.

Michael Ennis

Parc Nant y Waun, Beaufort

Tue 2nd May 2023

Main sighting: Grasshopper warbler singing

Not sure if this unusual for this location. No sighting but continual singing of this distinctive song.

Mark Whitaker

Craig Syfyrddin

Mon 1st May 2023

Main sighting: Firecrest

2 males in song near footpath at S end of the ridge near Edmund’s Tump. Seems a regular breeding area as seen/heard here before. This species much more common than it used to be. Other species of note seen/heard in area Redstart (3), Tree pipit (1), Lesser Redpoll (1), Meadow Pipit (1), Stock Dove (1), Skylark (2).

Tadhg Burrell

Avon Lwyd

Mon 1st May 2023

Main sighting: Dipper and Goosander

Early visit for Waterways BBS, some of the standouts were : 2 dippers, 1 jay, 1 treecreeper, 1 buzzard, fem. goosander, 1 mistle thrush, 2 swallows. Lots of mallards (up to 40 overall) and lesser-black backed gulls especially around boating lake.

Bob Potter

Collister Pill / Rogiet Moor Reen

Mon 1st May 2023

Main sighting: Peregrine

From 0645: Peregrine flying East to West at around 10m above ground.
Reed Warblers singing in two locations; Little Egrets 5; Shelduck 25; Mallard; Canada Geese 2; Chiffchaff; Swallows 5; Wheatear 4; Curlew 7; Lesser Whitethroat; Common Whitethroat 2; Blackcap; Linnets; Goldfinch; Chaffinch; Wood pigeon; Herring Gulls; Lesser Black Backed Gulls; Magpie; Carrion Crows; Great Tit; Skylarks; Meadow Pipits; Wrens; Robins; Song Thrush; Blackbirds; House Sparrow; Dunnock;

Deborah Tee

River Usk, Llanfoist

Sun 30th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Ringed Plover pair

Two Ringed Plover feeding along the pebble bank on the Usk near Abergavenny Bridge (20:30). Also four Common Sandpiper, House Martins and Swifts.

Neville Davies

Ystrad Mynach

Sun 30th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Commo Swift

Single swift over the village.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 30th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Swift

On a wet and misty day. Swift 4 first of the year for us. Whitethroat Lesser White Throat Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Chiffchaff Cetti’s Warbler and Goldcrest singing. Swallow 100+ House Martin 10 Sand Martin 6.

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