Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Verity Picken

River south of Usk

Sat 17th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Whooper Swan

A single Whooper Swan was with a flock of 22 Mutes feeding in pasture; the carcass of a nearby dead Mute Swan was mostly eaten away. Two Wigeon were the first I’ve seen here. Also 5 Goldeneye, 10+ Mandarin, 4 Goosander and a single Little Grebe.

Ed Stevens

Caldicot pill

Sat 17th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Pintail

Caldicot pill over high tide. Pintail 129, black tailed godwit 32, dunlin 3000 to 4000, curlew 190, shelduck 314, oystercatcher 54, shovler 3, grey plover 39, teal 3 and turnstone 150+

Mark Davies

River Usk Abergavenny

Fri 16th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Little Owl

2 Little Owls in barn at Llanwenarth today . Also 1 Snipe on the riverbank plus 2 flyovers and 2 Lapwing

Allan Dowson

Magor Marsh

Fri 16th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Chiffchaff

3-Chiffchaffs,3-Common Gulls in the field to the south of reserve.Also a Woodpecker was drumming.11h00-13h00

Lee ashcroft


Thu 15th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Hunting sparrow hawk

While fishing bottom pond, sparrow hawk hunting and chasing blackbirds & redwings feeding on grass bank, chasing them along wooden fence and into bushes few times. Great distraction from the fishing

Mark Davies

River Usk Abergavenny

Thu 15th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Wigeon

1 Wigeon on the river near Llanwenarth this morning plus Little Owl in barn again . Also Bullfinch inn garden next to church

Ed Stevens


Thu 15th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Marsh harrier

About 14:30 female marsh harrier hunting over saltmarsh between blackrock and st Pierre pill. Possibly different bird to one seen at caldicot pill yesterday, marking especially on front of wing seemed less bright, but could be due to light conditions. Also 10 snipe 4 jack snipe, 1 woodcock, 5 black-tailled godwit, 2 gadwall, 30+ teal, 40+ skylark and 30+ lapwing flying over

Ed Stevens

Caldicot pill

Wed 14th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Marsh harrier

This afternoon between about 14:00 and 15:30 female marsh harrier hunting over saltmarsh between second Severn bridge and rogiet sea wall

Mark Davies

River Usk Abergavenny

Wed 14th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Lapwing

Walk along the Usk from Llanfoist to Llanwenarth had 3 Lapwing , 4 Teal (1m 3f) , 2 Kingfisher , a Dipper , 3 Little Egret , a Sparrowhawk , a Treecreeper , a Nuthatch , a pair of Stonechat and 3 Otters . Also on Wednesday a single snipe in the field near the church and the Little Owl is back in the barn .

Nicholas Beswick


Mon 12th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Water Rail

Parc Nant-y-Waun: Water Rail foraging around the Mustard Pond. A very occasional visitor locally and our first record in the Parc. Elsewhere, a group of five Lesser Redpolls and a Stonechat. Woodpigeon and Collared Dove calling despite dismal weather.
Waun Pond: many Herring Gulls on ice or bathing along with a few LBB and BHs. Nothing unusual, yet…

John Davies

Goytre A4042

Thu 8th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Barn Owl

Barn Owl fly over Goytre A4042

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards


Thu 8th Dec 2022

Main sighting: Spoonbill

Spoonbill flying over reserve (didn’t see it wading) from Snipe screen 11am;
Around 48 species across Goldcliff and Nash including spotted redshank, ? 1000 dunlin; snipe; linnet, blackcap (M), greenfinch 3; GS woodpecker 3 – but still dipped the dartford and the black redstarts!

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]