Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Chris Forster Brown

Mitchel Troy

Wed 9th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Hawfinch

A longish walk around the village of Mitchel Troy early this morning, with the main aim of looking/listening for lesser spotted woodpecker. No luck with these, but an interesting mix of species anyway. This included at least 12 hawfinch in and around the church, with a group of nine sitting at the tops of trees and another three flying over at the same time. At least four greenfinch singing in the village and at least six separate mistle thrush singing. A dipper on the Trothy behind the church. On the higher fields behind the village were three skylark singing, small groups of redwing and 25 fieldfare. In one of these fields were 80+ common gull. The only woodpecker was great spotted, with three separate individuals.

Verity Picken


Wed 9th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Curlew

Curlews seen at two more former breeding sites this morning! There are doubtless more out there so listen hard and send any records to . Small flocks of Fieldfare and Skylarks singing.

Allan Dowson

Magor Marsh

Mon 7th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Chiffchaff

2-Chiffchaffs around the hide area,migrants or over winterers,no way of knowing.4-Grey Herons already nesting and a vocal Cetti’s Warbler.12h00-13h00.

Kevin Hewitt

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 6th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Yellowhammer over

Amongst 58 species seen on a morning HT visit, the highlight was a Yellowhammer flying east over the Redshank viewing platform at 10.45ish. The bird was calling as it flew over along with half a dozen Skylarks and Meadow Pipits. It was a hark back to my early days on the farmland in Nottinghamshire in the early ’80s.

tony & jan jenkins

river Wye

Sun 6th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Mandarin

Afternoon walk along river to Redbrook spotted 2 pairs of Mandarin and several pairs of Canadas displaying on the river

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 5th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Waders

Dawn visit until and hour after high tide. Main highlights – Avocet 62 in largest flock seen. Black Tailed Godwits 100c ( including 1 x Knot). Dunlins 300c. Female Marsh Harrier and Buzzard.
Spotted Redshank remains on Monks.

Graham Roberts

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 5th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Marsh Harrier

Down at Goldcliff today. The sun was fairly low but the highlight was seeing a Marsh Harrier being mobbed by a couple of crows. The lowlight was my partner lost her Rayban sunglasses somewhere between the first hide and the road. We had a look around but couldn’t find them. If anyone on the off chance picked them up could they contact me via this site. Thank you

Verity Picken


Sat 5th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Curlew

Curlew pair back on breeding site this morning! Probably others in the county too so please keep a look-out and don’t forget to send your sightings (or heards) to .

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 4th Mar 2022

Main sighting: Grey Plover

Highlights of hightide count it was good to see numbers of waders on Monk’s lagoon. Grey Plover 1 Dunlin171 Spotted Redshank 1 Avocet 44 Black-tailed Godwit 55 Oystercatcher 12 Curlew 60 Ringed Plover1 Pintail 6 Brent Goose 1 Red Kite 1 Buzzard 4 Marsh Harrier 2 Kestrel 1 Great B/B Gull 2 Common Gull 2 ( other gulls with far off BHG flock were thought to be Common) Redwing 5. Lots of birds on foreshore.

Allan Dowson


Tue 1st Mar 2022

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

1-Spotted Redshank,from 2nd hide,also just 2-Pink Footed Geese.Lapwings in display flight was nice to see and hear.10h00-12h30.

Verity Picken


Mon 28th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Lesser Redpoll

Two superb male Lesser Redpolls, 8 Brambling, 3 Greenfinches and 3 Siskin at, or under, the feeders today; 150 corvids in the maize crop, c50 Chaffinches and a few Reed Buntings in the cover crop. Barn Owl on the trail cam last night.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 27th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Red Kite and Waders

Red Kite seen being mobbed by crows over the fields near the roadside where visitors park their cars.
Spotted Redshank showing well on Monks Lagoon.
Female Marsh Harrier quartered the lagoons and put the duck flock up.
8 x Avocets on the foreshore
Pink Footed Geese remain on site.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]