Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Lee ashcroft

Ynysyfro/old cwmbran

Sun 2nd Jun 2024

Main sighting: Swifts

Great to see swifts back over ynysyfro and old Cwmbran
Also red kite low over ynysyfro last few days even landing on waters edge to drink

Kevin Wood

Garnlydan reservoir

Fri 31st May 2024

Main sighting: Osprey

Whilst visiting the area above Garnlydan Reservoir, noticed a large bird of prey being harrassed by Gulls. When I checked through Binoculars it was an Osprey, it circled the Reservoir before moving off south. Also saw 2 Buzzards, 3 Jays, Whitethroat, Wheatear, Siskins during the morning. But first time seen an osprey with walking distance from my house.

Verity Picken


Thu 30th May 2024

Main sighting: Curlew chicks

Our first chicks were seen yesterday! Please continue to send all sightings to – there are definitely more to be found!

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Wed 29th May 2024

Main sighting: Ringed-neck Parakeet

Ringed-neck Parakeet flew over our garden. Not seen one in the Caerphilly area previously.

Chris Dyson


Sun 26th May 2024

Main sighting: Nightjar

4 Nightjars in Coed y Prior clearfells above Llanellen near Abergavenny this evening audible from the canal towpath. Also a Barn Owl hunting over fields above the canal.

David Hathaway


Sun 26th May 2024

Main sighting: Garden Warbler

I have a nest of Garden Warblers in amongst long grass and thistles. Today a blackbird chased out a Tawney owl out of one of my sheds,the owl then got mobbed by many other birds. We now have a pair of greater spotted with two chicks. Siskins are still about. I am concerned about the lack of House Martins, I have at the most 4 pairs around my house,I have been to Lake Vynwy this week and there was only 4 birds I saw,last year there was nearer 100. Yellow Wagtail was on the fertiliser on Crumblands farm

Neville Davies

Goldcliff lagoons

Sat 25th May 2024

Main sighting: Cuckoo show

En-route to hides – wrens, blackcap,, pheasant, cuckoo calling, magpies, woodpigeons, robin, crows, collard dove, herring gulls, sparrows, jackdaws, Canada geese, mallards, chiffchaff, blackbird, whitethroat, kestrel, moorhen and goldfinch. Hide one – skylarks, 10 avocet, 5 grey herons, 8 redshanks (chicks seen), 2 lapwing, ls black-backed gull, 30 black-tailed goswits (mostly non-breeding birds), coot, greylags, 3 oystercatchers, 3 gadwall, 1 ringed plover and 3 shelduck. Hide two – cettis, pied wagtail (ad and juvenile), 3 shoveler, 3 lt egrets, starlings and ls whitethroat calling. Snipe platform – 3 male and 2 female tufted ducks, pair lt grebes, 6 swans, gt tit, 6 cormorants flying in, 2 swifts, reed warbler, reed bunting, stonechats, swallow and a male peregrine quite high. Hide three – spoonbill (which flew onto the saltings), sedge warbler singing in front of the hide, 3 more ringed plovers, 10 more avocet, 6 more redshanks, pair teal and pair wigeon still present (no sign of the pintail pair) and meadow pipits. Seawall – 4 curlew and 13 distant turnstones. Back close to hide 2, male cuckoo chasing a female and joined by a second male (possibly the same 3 as last Saturday)? Other: green-veined white butterfly.

Allan Dowson


Thu 23rd May 2024

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

2-Spotted Flycatchers.Singing Garden Warbler,Blackcap and Redstart.Good numbers of Sand Martins nesting in the river bank.Also many Swifts both flying high and over the river 100+ possibly.11h00-13h30.



Thu 23rd May 2024

Main sighting: WOODCOCK & NIGHTJAR

10pm – Temperature only 10C. No flying insects apparent.
Close flypast from woodcock. Many distant contact calls and croaks heard.
Nightjar – heard short bursts twice. Saw a short distant flight

Mark Whitaker


Tue 21st May 2024

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

Probable first bird back in the village in castle grounds. None seen there two days earlier; later than usual arrival as with other migrants. Seem to be finding more Lesser Whitethroats than usual in N Monmouthshire and S Herefordshire this year.

Neil Farr

Garn Lakes - Garn-yr-erw ( nr. Blaenavon )

Tue 21st May 2024

Main sighting: Cuckoo & Lesser Redpoll

On the lakes were coot, Canada geese, mallards with young and a heron. Around the two lakes were robin’s, chaffinch’s, 4 goldfinch’s, song thrush, magpie’s, chiffchaff’s and willow warblers. I heard a cuckoo and whilst sat on a bench between the two lakes I saw one cross from one side of the valley to the other. Opposite the lakes there is a bird breeding area and along the lower path amongst the broom, gorse and willow tree’s was a male bullfinch feeding on a flower and a lesser redpoll was perched in a scot’s pine tree.

Neville Davies

Abertwysswg, Rhymney

Mon 20th May 2024

Main sighting: House Martins

Several pairs breeding under the eaves of the taller houses.

Next event

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