Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Bob Potter

Nedern Brook, Caldicot

Sun 28th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Common Snipe

Common Snipe 5; Widgeon 110; Teal 40; Herring Gull; BH Gulls; Dabchick; Heron 2; Mallard 30; Buzzard; Long Tail Tit; Song Thrush; Chaffinch; Great Tit; Blue Tit; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Jay.

Trevor Russell

A home, Monmouth

Sun 28th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Goldcrest

Goldcrest actively feeding with Blue Tits in Scots Pine in front garden. Presumed female due to bright yellow crown stripe with no orange mixed in. First this year.

Trevor Russell

At home, Monmouth

Sun 28th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Goldcrest

Goldcrest in Scots Pine in front garden. Presumed female as bright yellow crown stripe had no orange mixed in. First this year.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 24th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Waders

With more mud showing on Monks there were a few small waders Ringed Plover 12 Dunlin2 Curlew 40 Black-tailed Godwit 1 with good numbers of Teal, Shoveler and a flock of 250 Wigeon also Stonechat 4 Wren 4 Blue Tit Great Tit Dunnock Marsh Harrier 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Kestrel 1

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Wed 24th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Marsh Harrier

1female Marsh Harrier this morning.Also,yesterday at Goldcliff late afternoon a Short Eared Owl on a fence post.

Tadhg Burrell

Monmouth and Brecon canal

Tue 23rd Nov 2021

Main sighting: Water rail

2 water rails – sighted both of them briefly as they scampered back into the reeds. Both birds were loudly calling back and forth from then on.

Blair Jones

Pontypool Folly

Sun 21st Nov 2021

Main sighting: Woodcock and winter thrushes

Flushed a Woodcock as I walked the path. As the morning progressed lots of Redwings and Fieldfare. Several flocks of Woodpigeons moving through. Raven and Buzzard kept me company

John Lewis

Garn Lakes

Sat 20th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Fieldfare

Pre-roost gathering of 130 Fieldfare in the cutting just above the lakes and just 1 Redwing. Also 3 Raven but sadly no Owls or raptors.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 20th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Dartford Warbler

It was brought to my attention today by David Gilbert that a birder named Chris ( apologies I don’t know his surname) had taken photos of a Dartford Warbler ( female) today at Goldcliff Lagoons. Chris had seen it with a Stonechat opposite Hide 1 . The bird was later seen by David and Chris again at Hide 1 and Hide 2 ( onto of the brambles). I later saw it from a distance on the brambles at Hide 2. Photos are good and are online on various social media spaces.

Nicholas Beswick

Hafod Farm, Brynmawr

Fri 19th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Woodcock

Two Woodcock over at very last light (17.00) up from Clydach Gorge

John Lewis

Collister to Magor Pill on rising tide

Thu 18th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Shorebirds.

41 species including 52 Shelduck, 32 Mallard, 62 Curlew, 1Turnstone, 54 Knot, 200 Dunlin, 1Redshank, 3 Great Black -backed Gull, 1Grey Heron, 5 Little Egret, 2Buzzard, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Raven, 40 Rook, 1Cetti’s Warbler, 1Mistle Thrush, 48 Redwing, 19 Fieldfare, 2 Stonechat -pair, 1 Rock Pipit, 3 Meadow Pipit

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 17th Nov 2021

Main sighting: Water Rail

Afternoon visit. Good numbers of fieldfares (at least 300 compared to about 100 redwings), some continental race blackbirds mixed in too. 1 little egret in the field, good numbers of lapwing with 194 on the lagoons and another 147 on the mudflats, teal 85, curlew 7 on the lagoons 84 on the mudflats, shoveler 26, shelduck, oystercatcher, wigeon now at 382, 1 snipe only. Seawall – 10 meadow pipits around the field by the farm with robin and a stonechat mixed in, male sparrowhawk hunting and 230 dunlin. 10 black-tailed godwits with a few redshanks and a male kestrel perched on a post with a female hunting nearby. Back at hide 1 a water rail was ‘squealing’ in the low reeds in front of the hide. Water levels great for ducks but not enough exposed mud for waders anywhere, shame.

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