Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Jubilee Way, Rogerstone

Fri 5th Jan 2024

Main sighting: Waxwing update

10 present today around mid-day. Still feeding on the rowan berries between houses 217 and 219, and also on another rowan opposite and down towards the junction. However, the local mistle thrush is constantly harassing them so they may move on before long? Also seen on the roof tops and flying back and forth to the large tree by the pond. The rowan berries are still plentiful, the top ones have been stripped but the lower half of these two small rowans still have a good crop left. One birder said they had been seen around 9am this morning and another said there had been sporadic sightings at this location throughout the morning.

david prewett

Jubilee Way Rogerstone, Newport

Wed 3rd Jan 2024

Main sighting: 14 wax wings

Mike and Jackie’s reporting is slightly incorrect.
The 14 wax wings are frequently evident on the very large central beech tree which is beside the landscaped pond, which can be viewed from the end of the cul-de-sac of Foil Close, or from Jubilee Way. The wax-wings are not feeding by insecting ….but on rowan berries nearby.
The Waxwings flit between here and the 2 small Rowan- Mountain Ash saplings to feed on berries outside of Nos.98 and between 217-219 frontages opposite…. a stones throw away!
There appear to be enough berries remaining for at least a couple of days according to the bird watchers present.
It is likely that once the Rowan berries have been exhausted that the 14 may move on to a further nearby site…. which they have already discovered!.. Amazing birds!
I have been made aware that the Waxwing only ventures to the eastern UK coast-lines and any sightings within the western reaches are extremely rare!? (7 Years I have been advised from an ornathologist present!)

Bob Potter

Upper Nedern Brook (flooded), Caldicot.

Wed 3rd Jan 2024

Main sighting: Pintail

Pintail; Wigeon 100+; Teal 40; Little Grebe; Tufted Duck 8; Shelduck; Black Headed Gull; Common Gull 3; Lesser Black Backed Gull; Canada Goose 80; Greylag Goose 6; Gadwall; Grey Heron; Lapwing; Coot; Mallard; Fieldfare 3; Redwing; Blackbird; Blue Tit; Bullfinch; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Robin; Wren.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Rogerstone Jubilee Way

Wed 3rd Jan 2024

Main sighting: Waxwing

14 Waxwings today at 10:45-11;:15 there were no berries on the trees the birds were seen insecting.

Deborah Tee


Mon 1st Jan 2024

Main sighting: Waxwing

Ten Waxwing in trees by the pond in Jubilee Way, Rogerstone. (Near the school). Seen at 1pm.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 29th Dec 2023

Main sighting: Weekly roundup

3rd hide and seawall not visited due to frequent long heavy showers. En-route to hide 1 – robin, crows, chaffinch, blackbirds, mallards, pheasant and only a handful of redwings. Hide one – most of the activity was from here including 52 roosting curlew with 1 grey plover and 6 dunlin mixed in, 25 redshanks, 56 shoveler, 3 shelduck, 168 teal, 151 wigeon, Canada geese, greylags, 126 lapwing, starlings, magpies, wren and herring gulls. En-route to hide 2 – single fieldfare, moorhen and woodpigeons. Hide two – 1 common gull, 3 snipe, 1 little egret, male peregrine, 1 heron, cettis calling and a song thrush.

Keith Roylance

Jubilee Park, Rogerstone

Fri 29th Dec 2023

Main sighting: Waxwing

Four Waxwing on Rowan tree in Jubilee Way, Rogerstone. (Near the school). Feeding regularly and then flying off but returning every 10-15 minutes.

Chris Formaggia

Llantilio Crossenny

Mon 25th Dec 2023

Main sighting: Firecrest

Single firecrest in hedge in lane

tony & jan jenkins

Goldcliff lagoons

Sat 23rd Dec 2023

Main sighting: Long tailed duck

A late morning very muddy walk after the heavy showers was well worth it with a female long tailed duck showing well from the Marsh hide kindly mentioned by another birder.
A peregrine having brunch, possibly lapwing and a juvenile marsh harrier hunting over the reserve.
Also female sparrowhawk hunting over the hedgerows near Red Barn.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

OOC Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs

Sat 23rd Dec 2023

Main sighting: Great Northern Diver

Great Northern Diver 2 female Ring-necked Duck 1 Common Sandpiper 1

Chris Field


Sat 23rd Dec 2023

Main sighting: Great White Egret

Great White Egret on the meadows by Chepstow Road/Four Ash Street. Assume same as that sighted on 20th.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 22nd Dec 2023

Main sighting: Weekly roundup

Quieter on the bird front today. Hide one – herring gulls, blackbirds, 2 male and 1 female pintail, nada geese, 61 greylags (my highest count here), 40 shoveler, 143 teal, 1 shelduck, 77 wigeon, 15 redshanks, crows, magpies, female marsh harrier, starlings, 3 cormorants and a pair of stonechats. Hide two – 124 lapwing, moorhen, 1 little egret and meadow pipits. Snipe platform – goldfinches, woodpigeons, coot, pair of tufted duck and another male and ls black-backed gulls. Marsh platform – cettis calling. Seawall – raven, 7 grey plovers, 9 dunlin, black headed gulls, 21 curlew and 37 oystercatchers. Hide three – long-tailed duck showing on lagoon to right of the hide, 20 more teal, 12 more shoveler, 54 more wigeon, 2 swans, 8 gadwall and pied wagtails. By the car park on way out, 2 fieldfare’s only, 2 wrens, robin and chaffinch.
Merry Christmas all and a happy new year…

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Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
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