Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Daniel Watson

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 15th May 2022

Main sighting: Temminck's Stint

Wind E (F2), Cloud 7/8, Rain clearing by 05:50, becoming warmer as the morning progressed.
A great morning with the following waders present on Monks scrape 04:45 – 11:30; Temminck’s Stint (1), Little Stint (1), Ruff (2), Avocet (2), Knot (1), Black-tailed Godwit (2 1st summer L.l. limosa), Turnstone (1), Sanderling (8+), Ringed Plover (30+), Grey Plover (1 west around 06:15), Redshank (20+), Dunlin (150+), Lapwing (7), Oystercatcher (4), Yellow Wagtail (2), Marsh Harrier.
Elsewhere, 3 Whimbrel and 14 Curlew on the estuary, LRP (4), 4 Gadwall (Priors). 17 species of wader, not a bad morning!

Lee Parsons

Penyfan Pond

Sat 14th May 2022

Main sighting: Swift

Two Swift and one Sand Martin feeding!

Graham Agg

The Narth

Sat 14th May 2022

Main sighting: Swifts

Screaming parties of Swifts now regular over the village – 7 birds this morning, 4 yesterday and 7 on 10th (seen by J Goodlass).

Graham Agg

The Narth

Thu 12th May 2022

Main sighting: Cuckoo

Cuckoo calling from Trellech Common woods around 10.30, the first I’ve heard this year.

Ruth Brown

St Mary's Vale, Abergavenny

Thu 12th May 2022

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

At least 2 Wood Warblers, Common Redstart heard, 2 male Cuckoos, 1 Grey Wagtail. Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler too. 2 Swallows at the farm below the wood.

John Edwards


Tue 10th May 2022

Main sighting: Swifts

First sign of swifts checking out last year s nest in eaves. Last to arrive, first to leave…

Chris Field

Usk prison

Tue 10th May 2022

Main sighting: Swift

15 plus Swift flying over Usk prison at 8pm.

Bob Potter

Magor Marsh

Tue 10th May 2022

Main sighting: Merlin

Merlin seen in unsuccessful attempt midday, to catch a House Martin, (approx 15 metres over the top of the site car park).
House Martins (10); Swallows (4).

Hugh Gregory


Tue 10th May 2022

Main sighting: Garganey


jon holmes

coed morgan

Mon 9th May 2022

Main sighting: yellow wagtail

male yellow wagtail lingering again this year

Graham Agg

The Narth

Mon 9th May 2022

Main sighting: Swifts

Party of four Swifts screaming intermittently around 18.30 + several House Martins.

Chris Forster Brown


Mon 9th May 2022

Main sighting: Swift

Finally, 14 swifts over the Monnow in Monmouth today. It’s great to see them back. In a field close to the Eurogarage Services northbound side were three yellow wagtails (same field I’ve seen them in in previous years). Perched on wires here. Also tree pipit, possibly two, singing in felled forestry (with single broadleaves left standing) behind Pen y Clawdd farm. Garden warbler and whitethroat here too, all birds I’ve recorded here in previous years, though tree pipit fewer in number this year (may just be time of day). Redstart singing from trees towards Dingestowe. Hobby rapidly past the house in Mitchel Troy approx a week ago.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]