Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mike Pointon


Sat 16th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Breeding birds

Just a polite reminder, please do not to disclose the location of breeding birds on the website.

Neville Davies

Magor Marsh

Sat 16th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Little Egrets

Leading a nature walk for GWT, highlights were 3 singing sedge warblers, willow warbler, 5 chiffchaffs, 2 cettis calling, 2 pairs of nesting grey herons and a great count of 41 little egrets (from the hide). Other: several orange tip butterflies on the wing, small tortoiseshell and small whites.

Lee Parsons

Llanhilleth Common

Sat 16th Apr 2022

Main sighting: House Martin

Two House Martin on moorland, Willow Warbler singing in Brynithel Cemetery!

Bernie Jones

Allt-yr-yn Newport

Sat 16th Apr 2022

Main sighting: House Martins

Several House martins seen back at their usual nesting sites at 11am.
Earlier at Newport Wetlands cafe saw a Grey heron, Chiffchaff Reed warbler Long tailed tits and a Great spotted woodpecker amongst others

John Lewis

Pwlldu and Gilwern Hill

Fri 15th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Redstart.

My first Redstart of the year. Male in altercation with a male Reed Bunting. Also singing were 4 Wheatears, 5 Willow Warblers, 2Chiffchaff, 4.Skylarks and Nuthatch plus 31Meadow Pipits and the local pairs ofRavens and Kestrels.

Iestyn Harrigan

North Gwent

Fri 15th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Curlew

Pair of Curlew seen on briefly on farmland. Distinctive call also heard – both flapping wings.

Steve Dungey

Pen-Y-fan Country Park, Oakdale

Fri 15th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Swallows

3 Swallows over café area. Also several Willow Warblers, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Grey Heron and a pair of Stonechat.

Neville Davies

Red Barn Pools

Fri 15th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Whitethroat

2 chiffchaffs, pair of blackcaps, 1 common whitethroat in full song, 1 cettis calling, 2 herons, female kestrel, 2 teal, 3 pairs lapwing, pair gadwall, linnets, skylarks, 2 shelduck and a cormorant. Other: comma and small tortoiseshell butterfly.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 15th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Spoonbills / redstart

Dawn – mid morning visit: 18 Black-tailed Godwits were heading off high when I arrived. Single spoonbill roosting on 1st lagoon later flew over to the third lagoon to join the 2nd bird. At 11.15 3 more spoonbill flew in to join the 2 on lagoon 3. Other: Blackcaps, 3 chiffchaffs, 1 cettis, 2 swallows, 1 willow warbler and 1 common whitethroat (male). Redshank platform – Pheasant, linnets, 25 mute swans (most I have seen here), 3 gadwall, 22 redshanks, reed bunting, gt spotted woodpecker drumming, the spotted redshank is almost in full breeding plumage now, 4 lapwing only, 1 avocet only, 4 cormorants, 17 teal, single black-tailed godwit, 5 ringed plovers, marsh harrier, 1 little egret, 2 herons. Snipe platform – pair of tufteds and a male kestrel hunting. Reed warbler singing on way to sea wall and a female redstart along the hedgerow. Curlew calling. Other: small tortoiseshell, small whites and speckled woods.

Graham Agg

The Narth

Fri 15th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

A Wood Warbler was singing late morning in the mixed woodland above Manor Brook about 200m down the stream from the children’s play area – the first I’ve heard this year.

Christopher and Julie West

Oxbow, river Usk.

Thu 14th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Yellow wagtail

Very bright yellow wagtail, black cap,

Lee Parsons

Penyfan Pond

Thu 14th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Swallow

Swallow flying through and singing Willow Warbler!

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