Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Ruth Brown

Castle Meadows, Abergavenny

Wed 15th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Sand Martin

Mallard with ducklings, singing Greenfinch and 2 pairs of Bullfinch, several Sand Martins, Kingfisher, but no Common Sands heard or seen. An area towards the Silver Bridge full of Blackcaps, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler heard, and Green Woodpecker.

Mark Davies

St Marys Vale

Wed 15th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Pied Flycatcher

Male Pied Flycatcher this afternoon along with several Willow Warblers , Nuthatches , Treecreepers and Greater Spotted Woodpeckers . Also seen 2 Swallows and 3 Linnets

Nicholas Beswick

Hafod Farm, Brynmawr

Wed 15th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Redstart

First Redstart singing here this morning. Still no Swallows or House Martins in residence.

Bernie Jones

Allt-yr-Yn Newport

Wed 15th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Sparrowhawk

Sparrowhawk seen circling over
Allt-yr yn and Ridgeway at 1pm

Iain Crawford

Trellech Beacon, Cleddon Bog

Wed 15th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Warblers

20+ singing willow warblers, 6 chiffchaff, 3 blackcaps. 2 dunnock 5 jays 3 buzzards 6 goldfinch 2 little grebe 2 Canada goose 2 gsw. Long-tailed tit, coal tit, linnet, swallow, nuthatch song thrush stock dove.

Chris Forster Brown

Pen y Clawdd farm Dingestow

Tue 14th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Tree pipit

A walk along footpath through the felled forestry area previously posted (behind Pen y Clawdd farm, Dingestow) resulted in two separate singing tree pipit, two whitethroat and two willow warbler. Many chiffchaff and especially blackcap (everywhere).

Mark Davies

River Usk , Abergavenny

Tue 14th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Common Sandpiper

12 Common Sandpipers on the river above the Llanfoist bridge . Also 3 Swallows

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Peterstone Gout

Mon 13th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Sand martins

Sand martins (over trout lakes). 2 linnets. 5 oystercatchers, 5 pintail pairs, several teal and shelduck. 1 little egret. Canada geese, incl on the mud flats. Flock of >100 mixed crows and jackdaws. 1 song thrush. 1 mistle thrush (same spot as last week’s pair).

Grant Robinson

Skirrid Fawr

Mon 13th Apr 2020

Main sighting: House Martin

The first House Martins have arrived to inspect last years nests. Small Tortoiseshells, Peacocks and Commas have emerged from hibernation in good numbers, and the Orange Tips have hatched. A pair of Grey Wagtails have laid a single egg in a nest in a flowerpot in the garden.

Andrew Pritchard

M48 Rogiet

Sun 12th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Barn owl

Sad to report, especially at this time of year, dead barn owl, hard shoulder westbound, must have been particularly unlucky given roads are so quiet at the moment

Mark Davies

River Usk , Abergavenny

Sun 12th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Common Sandpiper

6 Common Sandpipers above Llanfoist bridge plus several female Goosanders , at least 8 Sand Martins and a Kingfisher

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Sun 12th Apr 2020

Main sighting: Goshawk

It was a day for raptors from the garden today male Goshawk Red Kite 1
female Sparrowhawk and Buzzard 3. The House Sparrow are engaged in a team building event by the sounds of it, they have been going crazy all day. Blackcap and Chiffchaff singing. Butterflies Large White and Orange Tip.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]