Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Verity Picken

River south of Usk

Thu 31st Oct 2019

Main sighting: Smew

A Smew, first reported yesterday, was present this afternoon. Very flighty.

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Thu 31st Oct 2019

Main sighting: Gadwall

At least 33-Gadwall,probably more amongst the reeds,from the extended platform.Also a male Marsh Harrier constantly being mobbed by a crow.10h00-12h00

Neville Davies


Wed 30th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Merlin

Female flying

David Smith


Wed 30th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Barn Owl

Barn owl hunting near the sea wall to the east of the Black Rock picnic site at about 4 pm.

Mike andJackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 30th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Goshawk

Highlights of this mornings hightide count 07:25 – 09-25. Goshawk an uncommon visitor to the lagoons, Marsh Harrier 1 Avocet 1 (with a damaged leg) Knot 2 Dunlin 300 Gadwall 25 Curlew 104. There were hundreds of Woodpigeons flying west in large flocks.

Chris West

Oxbow the Bryn

Wed 30th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Wood pigeon

400 wood pigeon in groups, pair red kite, buzzard,200 canada geese,great tit,lttit,coal tit

Andy Smith

Pwll Du

Wed 30th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Short Eared Owl

Short Eared Owl flushed out as I walked along the Balance pond wall. Also around the pond 2 Stonechat 8 Long Tailed Tits. 2 Peregrine falcons in the quarry below the pond.

clive silver


Tue 29th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Red kite

Red Kite was around for a good 10mins, we are getting on average around 15 sightings a year .

Simon James Bedford


Tue 29th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Red Grouse .

6 red grouse flushed on managed moors plus 3 red kite 1 kestrel a buzzard trio and 2 woodcock near dusk .. big flocks of wood pigeon heading over biggest 150 birds (block counted )

Simon James Bedford

Pwll Ddu to Waun Afon

Tue 29th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Various

Huge flock of 150 plus mixed redwing and fieldfare Blorenge bound also 3 kestrel (two falcon ) one male and a merlin over the tips low and fast .

Simon James Bedford

Buckholt / Mansons Cross

Tue 29th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Various

Over 300 wood pigeon 30 plus redwing a male Goshawk 6 Buzzard and a mixed finch flock in visible migration headed S.E at 11am

Chris Stone


Mon 28th Oct 2019

Main sighting: Brambling

Brambling calling Gt crested grebe off jetty and Black rock when flew upstream almost certain Goosander fem downstream but sun in eyes

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]