Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mike and Jackie Pointon


Wed 25th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Red Kite

A Red Kite floated over our garden later four Buzzards. As there is so little background noise birdsong is so much clearer and enjoyable-every cloud!

martyn jones


Tue 24th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Snipe

Out on my exercise/dog walk through the damp fields south of Marshfield this morning. Two pairs of Snipe, three pairs Lapwing, one pair Redshank. Up until last week up to nine Snipe were regular on these fields and over the winter two Jack Snipe were also often present. Cetties seem to be everywhere with at least eleven territories across just a few fields. A pair of Stonechat that wintered have now departed but Reed Bunting are on the increase.

Chris Forster Brown

Trothy river

Tue 24th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Dipper

Pair of dipper on Trothy, north-eastern end of Mitchel Troy. Not seen them there before. From house at Pen y Clawdd Farm, a marsh tit and up to 7 bullfinch in recent days. Green woodpecker in both Mitchel Troy and at Pen y Clawdd Farm.

Tom Dalrymple

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 24th Mar 2020

Main sighting: Hides closed

Due to the Government lock down. All the hides at Newport Wetlands have been closed until further notice. The RSPB have closed the Visitor Centre and carpark

Ian Smith

B4293 at Mounting Stone 1.5 km south of Troddi Bridge, Monmouth

Mon 23rd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Blackcap

Singing at layby on road bend with field gate.

Neville Davies

Craig Draethen Ridge (Draethen)

Mon 23rd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Tree Pipit

Tree Pipit singing and display flights this afternoon (my first of the year).

Iain Crawford

Bigsweir to Whitebrook

Mon 23rd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Ravens

4 ravens in a thermal, m bullfinch, m blackcap, chiffchaff

darren hughes

Wyesham Monmouth

Mon 23rd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Lesser spotted woodpecker

1 drumming top of hillcrest

Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Wheatear

One male Wheatear near the track up to the reservoir. Skylarks singing, Meadow Pipits displaying and Stonechats on territory in the gorse. Unseasonal group of six Mistle Thrushes over.

Ed Stevens


Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Goosander

This afternoon 5 goosander over surbrook heading east

Chris and Theresa Stone


Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: red kite

I was sat on my balcony shortly after mid-day when suddenly a red kite appeared in front of me having rose up from the beach I ran to call Theresa but when I looked back to see it had disappeared eventually picking it up with two more they flew towards second severn crossing rang Paul Barrowman who lives at Severn Beach and he had 5 from his bedroom window, from here reckon had 8/9 there at least. Something to be said for isolation.

Blair Jones and john lawto


Sun 22nd Mar 2020

Main sighting: Waders , Crows and Glossy Ibis

Visted just afterdawn. Monks Lagoon – busy with waders. Lots of Redshanks, flock of Ringed Plovers and Dunlins – including one Little Ringed Plover. Literally a murder of crows today early on with a big flock of 30+ birds fighting on Monks Island. Avocets 70 + Black Tailed Godwits 15. Glossy Ibis and a single Ruff ( may have been more out of view). Priors – Large flock of mixed ducks – Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall, Tufted Ducks, Shovelers, Mallards, 1 x Pintail ( not the hybrid), 3 x Goldeneyes. ( Glossy Ibis also at one stage).
Flock of 17 Avocets. Lots of redshanks. Usual Coots. 1 x Little Egret and 1 x Cormorant.
Canada Geese amazing in numbers as usual and Greylags also.
Crows observed testing the breeders any chance they get.
Reed Buntings showing in various places, Redwing and Fieldfare remain in hedgerow. Chiff Chaffs and Cettis singing away.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]