Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Red Barn Pool (roadside viewing)

Sat 12th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Glossy Ibis

The 2 glossy ibis still feeding together down towards the far left corner.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 12th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Black Redstart

Dawn – midday. Fairly quiet, water level too high for waders. Of note however, 2 buzzards, pair of stonechats, fieldfares but no redwings. Hide 2 – barnacle geese still present. Snipe platform – 115 teal, 115 wigeon (233 more on the mudflats), 8 shelduck, 71 shoveler, 5 curlew (no rings), 1 mute swan, 37 dunlin came in over the lagoon but went straight back out over the seawall and 1 heron. Marsh platform – 5 redshanks (no sign of the spotted). Seawall – only 1 black redstart today (female). Grey wagtail also and a stoat at one point. Overhead were linnets and a single siskin. On the mudflats were forty avocets and 1 gt black-backed gull.

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Hendre lake

Thu 10th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Snipe

4 Snipe; also Little grebe, kingfisher, nuthatch, GS Woodpecker, Little Egret, grey heron, several LTTs, 2 goldcrests; among 25 sp altogether.

MIke and Jackie Pointon

Peterstone Gout

Wed 9th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Pintail

Hightide at the Gout no people no dogs: Lots of duck, Pintail 90 Teal 120 Wigeon 150 Shoveler 10 Shelduck50 Oystercatcher 50 Grey Plover 10 Black-tailed Godwit 12 Curlew 10 Redshank 150 Dunlin 80 Carrion Crow 35 Jackdaw 110 Field fare 50 Redwing 20 Goldcrest 2 Stonechat 1 Siskin 3 Reed Bunting 3. Two Snipe seen were thought to be Jack Snipe.

Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Wed 9th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Merlin

Female Merlin perched on the telegraph pole near the old Brynmawr reservoir, swooped low over the drained reservoir, didn’t flush anything and alighted on a fence post. Red Kite over, otherwise birdless on the moor.

Terry Winter


Mon 7th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Hoopoe

One, in private garden in Portskewett at approx 3pm. Present for about 30 minutes before flying off towards Leachpool

Julie Simmonds


Mon 7th Dec 2020

Main sighting: hoopoe

hi, not posting as a sighting as I have not seen but thought someone might be interested as someone has posted several pictures on caldicot community site of hoopoe in their garden asking what it is. Believe seen today

Blair Jones

Boat Lane

Sun 6th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Glossy Ibis

2 x Glossy Ibis on flooded marsh. (“Flossy” and the juvenile “Bossy”).
Flock of Lapwings put up by a female Marsh Harrier.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 6th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Black Redstarts

Visited just before dawn.
There were 2 x Black Redstarts ( male and female) showing on the sea wall near Hill Farm.
Also pair of Stonechats, Wren, Pied Wagtails and Meadow Pipits. On the foreshore was a flock of 20 x Grey Plovers and 20 x Dunlins. On the saltmarsh near waters edge – flock of 30 x Curlew. Buzzard.
Becs Lagoon- Flock of Canada Geese, Greylags and 4 x Barnacle Geese. Sparrowhawk and Greater Spotted Woodpecker.
Priors Lagoon – Spotted Redshank in with a small flock of Redshank (roosting). 40c Black Tailed Godwits. Little Egret, Grey Heron, Mallards, Wigeon, Teal and Shoveler.
Hedgerows – Redwings ,Blackbirds and Fieldfares.
More on my blog.

MIke and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Point

Sun 6th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Black Redstart

Male Black Redstart on the garden wall and fence also Turnstone 12 Dunlin 2 Great Black-backed Gull 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 Mistle Thrush 2 Fieldfare 10 Redwing 2 Stonechat 2

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Peterstone Seawall

Sun 6th Dec 2020

Main sighting: grey plover, wigeon

thanks to the WeBS counters reporting 450 wigeon – highest count they have had at Peterstone; also a few grey plovers, several teal, redshanks, 20 curlew, 10 dunlin; also oystercatchers, shelduck, small numbers of pintail; 1 little egret; few stonechat; strong redwing & fieldfare presence in the hawthorns. 1 GS woodpecker.

Mark Davies

River Usk , Abergavenny

Sun 6th Dec 2020

Main sighting: Little Grebe

Walked from Llanfoist to Llanwenarth and back and saw 2 Little Grebe , 6 Moorhen , 3 Dipper , a Little Egret , a Kingfisher , several Yellow Wagtail , 3 Cormorant , a Treecreeper , a Jay , 5 Rook and 3 male & 1 female Goosander

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Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
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