Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 11th Mar 2023

Main sighting: Barn owl / Possible yellow-browed warbler

In the vegetation by the little bridge at the entrance, small warbler with an eye stripe and wing bar seen briefly before flying further along, could not relocate but in the brief time I saw it I am certain it was a yellow-browed warbler. En-route to hide – robins, chaffinch, woodpigeons, magpies, crows, blue tits and a cettis flying across the path. Hide one – heron 1, Canada geese, teal 45, wigeon 123, shoveler 31, gadwall 3 pairs, redshank 21, ringed plover 1, mallards, mute swan 2, moorhens and shelduck 3. Hide two – Spotted redshank 1, marsh harrier 2 females, meadow pipit, wren, herring gulls, female kestrel, cormorant 2, chiffchaff, moorhen, blackbird and 2 reed buntings. Snipe platform – 3 pairs of coot, 6 more gadwall and 15 more wigeon. 51 distant avocet seen from the sea wall. Hide three – Lesser black-backed gulls, 19 more shelduck, pair of stonechats, little egret 1, jackdaws, goldfinches, pied wagtail and 4 knot. Back at hide 1 the barn owl made an appearance in the right hand corner between the showers at 1521hrs.

David Lee

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 10th Mar 2023

Main sighting: Spotted redshank

Mid afternoon, low tide. On the lagoons: one mute swan, 38 greylag goose, 134 Canada goose, 10 shelduck, 224 wigeon, 17 gadwall, 42 teal, six mallard, 24 shoveler, one grey heron, seven coot, nine lapwing, one spotted redshank, 20 redshank, two pied wagtail, three black-headed gull. Surrounding the lagoons: lesser black-backed gull, stonechat (four), chiffchaff (one), goldfinch, jackdaw, woodpigeon, robin, pheasant. On the foreshore, from the seawall (no counts): curlew, avocet, oystercatcher, shelduck, redshank, wigeon, black-headed gull, herring gull.

Ed Stevens

Portskewett woods

Fri 10th Mar 2023

Main sighting: Firecrest

Mid afternoon really good views of firecrest in portskewett woods

Christopher Reading


Tue 7th Mar 2023

Main sighting: Siskin

Siskin on my sunflower feeder this morning. Also, greenfinches making a comeback.

tony jenkins


Sat 4th Mar 2023

Main sighting: Barn owl

Barn owl flew off into woodland from Devauden roadside at 0700 hrs

Neville Davies


Sat 4th Mar 2023

Main sighting: Curlew

Single curlew up high calling and heading towards the direction of the Brecon Beacons (record submitted to the curlew group).

David Lee

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 3rd Mar 2023

Main sighting: Spoonbill

Mid afternoon, rising tide. On the lagoons: 12 greylag goose, 128 Canada goose, 89 wigeon, 20 gadwall, 79 teal, five mallard, one pintail, 20 shoveler, 86 shelduck, one cormorant, two grey heron, one spoonbill, one moorhen, three coot, 58 lapwing, 12 redshank, one ringed plover, one marsh harrier, one kestrel. On the foreshore, from the seawall: two curlew, 43 avocet, five oystercatcher, three shelduck, 10 redshank, 12 black-tailed godwit, five wigeon, five black-headed gull. Surroundings: stonechat, fieldfare.

David Lee

Magor Marsh

Fri 3rd Mar 2023

Main sighting: Sparrowhawk

In no particular order: Buzzard, sparrowhawk, cormorant, mute swan, herring gull, little egret, grey heron (11), moorhen, coot, mallard, teal, gadwall, little grebe, pheasant, jackdaw, carrion crow, woodpigeon, great spotted woodpecker, great tit, blue tit, long tailed tit, blackbird, dunnock, wren, robin, cetti’s warbler, chaffinch, goldfinch.

Neville Davies


Fri 3rd Mar 2023

Main sighting: Woodcock

Pair of woodcock flushed at the edge of an alder copse, also of note, red kites, buzzard, male sparrowhawk, goldcrest, 9 redwings, 1 fieldfare, pair of green woodpeckers, 1 heron, 1 stock dove, treecreeper and stonechat.

Verity Picken

Goytre Village Hall

Fri 3rd Mar 2023

Main sighting: Northern Owls

Don’t forget tomorrow evening’s talk on northern owls – see the Home page for details.

Allan Dowson


Thu 2nd Mar 2023

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

1-Spotted Redshank showing well along the far side of first island,25-Avocets on the shore,2-Marsh Harriers.Good numbers of Wigeon and Shoveler on the lagoons.10h30-12h45.

Tadhg Burrell

Avon Lwyd, Llanyravon

Thu 2nd Mar 2023

Main sighting: Kingfisher and dipper

1 Dipper still present, 1 kingfisher flew downstream, 1 siskin, 1 grey wagtail, 2 mallards.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]