Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


tony & jan jenkins

Trellech area

Sun 18th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Willow warbler

Mini influx of warblers along the western edge of Loysey woods, @ 10 individuals.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 18th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Bar-Tailed Godwits and Spotted Redshank

Visited just after dawn today.
Highlights – a fly over of 5 Bar-Tailed Godwits – Two of which in mega summer plumage.
Spotted Redshank on Monks -quite mobile today and was visible for a long period at hide 2 and the Lapwing platform.
No sign of the big wader flock.
Lapwings and Avocets mobbing lots of crows and gulls.
Mon Monks 2 x Lapwing chicks observed.
Lots of small birds today – reed Buntings, Linnets, Starlings, Wheatears and Pied Wagtails. Sedge Warblers calling rear of Snipe Platform.
Also – Snipe seen on Priors.
Small numbers of Swallows seen passing through.
Female Sparrowhawk seen at the rear of first hide on exit.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 17th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Bar Tailed Godwits and Whimbrel

Evening visit /sunset/dusk. – Monks Lagoon- A small mixed flock of Curlew, Whimbrel x 2 and Bar Tailed Godwits 3 and Dunlin x6 landed on Monks Lagoons. The whole reserve was very “busy” with the coming and goings of birds. a Male Marsh Harrier came through the reserve.
As usual the Bean and White Fronted Goose were hanging about on Priors.
The foreshore was packed with waders as the tide came in. Watched two Whimbrel feeding near the sea wall observation point. Later a flock of six birds flew over calling throughout. Two large flocks of Black Tailed Godwits on waters edge. Easily 400+.
Lots of movement of Curlews 40+ moving along foreshore and then flying into the reserve. Avocets and Oystercatchers feeding also on the mud.
At sunset one part of the wader flock separated from the foreshore and landed on Becs Lagoon.

Verity Picken


Sat 17th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Curlews

Please keep submitting your inland Curlew records (see the Home page for details). Now’s the time to look and listen – it’s World Curlew Day on the 21st!

Andrew Cormack

Strawberry Cottage Wood

Sat 17th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Pied Flycatcher

First PF of the year a lovely male

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 17th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Whinchat

Dawn – lunch time visit: Chiffchaffs 2, willow warblers 2, blackcaps 3, pheasants, goldcrest singing. Hide one – 3 cormorants over, lapwing, shelduck, avocet, 10 gadwall, 2 common sandpipers, common redshanks (several displaying), shoveler (pair copulating), 31 dunlin, 4 teal, spotted redshank showing well (almost in full breeding plumage), 4 oystercatchers ‘piping’ and pair little ringed plovers. Redshank platform – reed buntings, 2 ringed plovers, 1 white wagtail, 3 skylarks chasing each other, cettis calling. Snipe Platform – white fronted goose in the field behind (later came onto the lagoon) and the male peregrine flew through. Marsh Platform – bean goose present again. Hide three – 1 white wagtail, beautiful male whinchat along the fence line in front of the hide, 4 bar-tailed godwits, pair of black headed gulls overhead, 5 wigeon, 11 tufted ducks, 1 yellow wagtail calling and a pair of linnets. Seawall – pair of wheatear, 31 curlew, 19 oystercatchers and 5 distant godwits may have been bar-tailed but slight heat haze by now.

David Stokes

Goldcliff Chapel Road

Thu 15th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Male Wheatear

5 male Wheatear skimming across the top of a hedgerows.

Bernie Jones

Goldcliff monks/hide1

Tue 13th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Spotted redshank

Spotted redshank showing well in front of hide 1 on monks – did though go hiding for periods behind bank – seen best at 1pm

Other sightings included Turnstone
Reed Bunting, Linnet, Skylark, Grey Heron, Swallow, and also Bean goose and White fronted goose showing well

Iain Crawford

Clytha and Llanarth

Tue 13th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Red kite

Red kite, 5 ravens, 4 buzzards, 3 gsw, heron, red legged partridge, and a long tail tit. Also an unidentified bat species hunting at 4pm at junction of Clawdd Brook and River Usk

Nick Saunders


Mon 12th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Black Redstart

Handsome male Black Redstart at the end of Mead Lane Redwick near perimeter fence of new solar farm. Wheatears using solar panels as a perch for insect hunting.

Verity Picken


Mon 12th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Linnet, Fieldfare

A flock of 50 Linnets in the garden trees and recently topped field, and a flock of 30+ Fieldfare and Redwing (mostly the former) about two miles away.

Mark Whitaker


Sun 11th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Curlew

Three calls heard, presumably in flight, at 5.28 pm from the valley just south of the village but not seen.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]