Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Chris Stone


Tue 8th Jun 2021

Main sighting: Ruddy shellduck

Yesterday we were advised that there were 3 Ruddy shellduck on the estuary which we duly seen there, later before leaving we checked the first hide again and Keith, spotted the Ruddy shellduck flying back into the pools on the seaward side. We retuned there but unfortunately they were nowhere to be seen? Thanks for the tip off. We went to the Newport wetlnds after and also saw a Bittern in flight over the reeds

Andrew Crowder


Tue 8th Jun 2021

Main sighting: Ruddy Shelduck

Quiet morning on the reserve but 3 Ruddy Shelduck feeding out on the mudflats with the common variety made the trip worthwhile. Also a Bittern in flight at RSPB Newport

Mark Whitaker


Sat 5th Jun 2021

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

Pair previously reported by lane to Hoaldalbert nest building – so food in bill may have been a courtship offering. Four birds also seen around a probable nest site in overgrown tree stump by bridge over moat in castle grounds. All appeared to be adult so possibly a family with well grown juveniles. This species not seen at all around the village last year.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 5th Jun 2021

Main sighting: Greenshank

Blackcap 2, lesser whitethroat usual place, common whitethroat 1 and 1 buzzard. Hide one – 4 ringed plovers, 1 little ringed plover, 5 dunlin, common redshanks and shelduck. Redshank platform – 16 more dunlin, 5 skylarks in a chase, 2 grey herons, 4 gadwall (18 more from hide 3), 2 swallows, oystercatcher, reed warbler singing, cettis calling, 3 cormorants over and 2 little egrets feeding. Snipe platform – single greenshank, single black-tailed godwit, 7 mute swans, linnets, drake teal and 11 swifts. Seawall – 4 more black-tailed godwits on the mudflats and a single curlew. Hide three – grey wagtail over, ravens, pair of tufted ducks and a single male, male marsh and a pair of fox cubs further along the wall in the grass. Other: Large whites, 1 small copper, blue-tailed damselflies and a female broad-bodied chaser.

Iain Crawford

Llanarth and Clytha

Thu 3rd Jun 2021

Main sighting: Buzzards

22 buzzards and 2 red kites over ploughed fields, Llansantffraid. 7 swifts 8 swallows, 10 house martins, 3 song thrush mistle thrush 2 stock doves, gsw, green woodpecker

Iain Crawford

Monmouth, Wye

Thu 3rd Jun 2021

Main sighting: Kingfisher

Kingfisher, gsw, female goosander, chiffchaff, blackcap

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 2nd Jun 2021

Main sighting: Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpiper 1 Greenshank 1 Little Ringed Plover 1 Redshank 20 Ringed Plover 20 Oystercatcher 8 Gadwall 12 (probably more) Green Woodpecker 1 Long-tailed Tit 6 Whitethroat Lesser Whitethroat Cetti’s Warbler Reed Warbler Chiffchaff all singing.
Azure Blue Damselfly 3

Mark Whitaker


Mon 31st May 2021

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

Bird with food in bill seen along lane to Hoaldalbert on the edge of the village. Great to have this species breeding within a few hundred metres of my house.

Iain Crawford

Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern

Sun 30th May 2021

Main sighting: Red kite

Red kite, 3 buzzards, 3 ravens, green woodpecker, song thrush

Verity Picken


Sat 29th May 2021

Main sighting: Curlew request

You may soon be seeing a little more Curlew activity than in recent weeks as any eggs may be about to hatch. Please keep your eyes peeled when out birding and send any reports to . Info needed is on the Home page.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 29th May 2021

Main sighting: Cuckoos

Not a great deal about but what was was quality. Highlight was a male cuckoo perched on the brambles by hide 3 joined by a second male before flying off calling. Elsewhere – cettis 1, lesser whitethroat 1, common whitethroat (pair possibly nesting), blackcap 2, chiffchaff 2, reed warbler 1. Male stonechat, pheasants, ravens and a stoat by hide 1 with 5 kits (taking them one by one in her mouth across the path). Hide one – stunning little stint, 1 curlew sandpiper (partial plumage), 13 ringed plovers, 15 dunlin, 2 little egrets, 4 black-tailed godwits only, singing skylark, redshanks, lapwing and no avocet. Redshank platform – 6 swifts, marsh harrier and oystercatchers. Hide three – 19 gadwall, 6 shoveler, 9 swallows, 3 cormorants, female kestrel hunting, 3 grey herons, reed buntings and a common buzzard. Other: small white butterflies and a caterpillar to be identified.

Brian Unitt

Garden,, Ridgeway Court, NP20

Fri 28th May 2021

Main sighting: Female Wheatear

Studied female Wheatear in our front garden for 10 minutes. Flew away showing white area clearly. Returned later to sit on wall.

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