Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Christopher and Julie West

Oxbow, river Usk.

Fri 23rd Apr 2021

Main sighting: Ducklings

Mallard with 8 two week old ducklings and another with 10 day old ducklings. Sad to report that our walking and bird watching companion digger, passed away on 20th April.

Neville Davies

Mynydd llangynidwr / Beaufort

Fri 23rd Apr 2021

Main sighting: Common Snipe

2 males and 1 female pied flycatchers in the wooded area with redstart close by. Willow warblers in good numbers, chiffchaffs, blackcaps, 2 red kites, 3 buzzards, 2 wheatears 3 swallows. Other: green-veined white butterflies.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Fri 23rd Apr 2021

Main sighting: Bar Tailed Godwit

The highlights of a high tide visit this afternoon were 7-Bar Tailed Godwits,two of which were in full breeding plumage also 11-Whimbrels.15h30-16h45

tony & jan jenkins

Goldcliff lagoons

Wed 21st Apr 2021

Main sighting: Various

High tide visit started with 4 wheatears near reserve entrance, spotted redshank from first platform, 4 common sands, 3 LRPs, peregrine fly past disturbing avocets and blkwits, 2 white wags, 4 whimbrel on foreshore, small numbers of dunlin and ringed plovers on tideline, on return to first platform 2 lapwing chicks noted on island.
Wood warblers noted on evening visit near Vedw wood, same arrival date as last year.

Verity Picken


Wed 21st Apr 2021

Main sighting: WORLD CURLEW DAY!

Curlews are pretty much on the brink of extinction as a breeding species in the UK. To do anything at all to save them we need to know where they are. Please send your records of inland Curlews in Gwent to – see the Home page for the details we need. Thanks to all who have already submitted records.

Barry Embling


Tue 20th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Willow Tit

One calling in the birch scrub. A good time of year for a possible breeding territory, so worth a re-visit.

Simon James Bedford

The British

Tue 20th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Wheatears

Large numbers if Wheatear on the old mining road 21 in one location 13 of which are adult males

Christopher West

Oxbow, river Usk.

Mon 19th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Sand martin

6 sand martin [my first this year], common sandpiper, cormorant, 2 little egret, 8 mallard one with 10 small ducklings, 8 jackdaws, gs wood pecker, 2 heard drumming, 3 chaffinch.

tony & jan jenkins

Trellech area

Sun 18th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Willow warbler

Mini influx of warblers along the western edge of Loysey woods, @ 10 individuals.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 18th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Bar-Tailed Godwits and Spotted Redshank

Visited just after dawn today.
Highlights – a fly over of 5 Bar-Tailed Godwits – Two of which in mega summer plumage.
Spotted Redshank on Monks -quite mobile today and was visible for a long period at hide 2 and the Lapwing platform.
No sign of the big wader flock.
Lapwings and Avocets mobbing lots of crows and gulls.
Mon Monks 2 x Lapwing chicks observed.
Lots of small birds today – reed Buntings, Linnets, Starlings, Wheatears and Pied Wagtails. Sedge Warblers calling rear of Snipe Platform.
Also – Snipe seen on Priors.
Small numbers of Swallows seen passing through.
Female Sparrowhawk seen at the rear of first hide on exit.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 17th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Bar Tailed Godwits and Whimbrel

Evening visit /sunset/dusk. – Monks Lagoon- A small mixed flock of Curlew, Whimbrel x 2 and Bar Tailed Godwits 3 and Dunlin x6 landed on Monks Lagoons. The whole reserve was very “busy” with the coming and goings of birds. a Male Marsh Harrier came through the reserve.
As usual the Bean and White Fronted Goose were hanging about on Priors.
The foreshore was packed with waders as the tide came in. Watched two Whimbrel feeding near the sea wall observation point. Later a flock of six birds flew over calling throughout. Two large flocks of Black Tailed Godwits on waters edge. Easily 400+.
Lots of movement of Curlews 40+ moving along foreshore and then flying into the reserve. Avocets and Oystercatchers feeding also on the mud.
At sunset one part of the wader flock separated from the foreshore and landed on Becs Lagoon.

Verity Picken


Sat 17th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Curlews

Please keep submitting your inland Curlew records (see the Home page for details). Now’s the time to look and listen – it’s World Curlew Day on the 21st!