Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mark Whitaker

Blorenge Mountain

Sat 15th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Red Grouse

After about 8 visits without seeing any, found 4 today (pair plus 2 singles) along path running east from Foxhunter Car Park. Nearly all Mipits have left the mountain. A number of piles of grouse droppings also.

Nicholas Beswick

Waunavon Bog

Fri 14th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Short-eared Owl

Owl appeared at 17.10 in near-darkness and perched on a gas pipeline pole, silhouetted above the western skyline, before dropping down to hunt. A Red Grouse called briefly. Earlier, Stonechat and Reed Bunting.

Chris Stone

Black rock

Fri 14th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Spoonbill

flying west shortly after 5.oclock, good to have the company of Gavin Vella and Jody

Chris Forster Brown


Thu 13th Jan 2022

Main sighting: barn owl

Barn owl briefly flying alongside A449. A previous sighting a couple of weeks ago on outskirts of Mitchel Troy. Blackcap singing in Mitchel Troy on 16th. Never heard one singing this early in the year before. At least three song thrush singing in village and single mistle thrush, dunnock, coal tit, etc. Lesser celandine in flower on road up to Mitchel Troy common.

Keith Roylance

St. Brides

Thu 13th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Cattle Egret

Cattle egret still in field at St. Brides. Good views from roadside even though misty.

Allan Dowson


Thu 13th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Reed Bunting

Very few birds were close enough to see today in the fog.6+Reed Buntings close to the snipe platform.Also at St.Brides the Cattle Egret was showing well close to the road.

Mr Neville J Davies

Red Barn Pool (roadside viewing)

Wed 12th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Late afternoon roost

1 common snipe coming in, 32 lapwing, 11 shoveler, 46 wigeon, 1 buzzard fly-by and rooks close by.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 12th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Avocet

Fairly quiet afternoon but some highlights including: Hide one – 1 little egret, female kestrel, cettis calling from the hedge line. Redshank platform – 7 shoveler and 1 cormorant. Snipe platform – 2 mute swans, 2 gadwall, 2 herons, fem marsh harrier being harassed by 2 common buzzards – the buzzards gave up and were then harassed by 3 ravens. Seawall – pair of stonechats on the fence. On the saltings and mud – pair of avocet, 10 grey plovers, 1 gt black-backed gull, 51 curlew, 21 oystercatchers, shelduck, 70 wigeon and 33 black headed gulls. Hide three – 56 teal, 21 greylag geese mixed in with 109 Canada’s. En-route back around the barn owl gave great close views, unfortunately for some visitors, they had to put up with photographers on the marsh and snipe platforms climbing fences and walking along the bank for that all important selfish closer photo.

Adrian Edwards


Tue 11th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Hawfinch

St Mary’s churchyard, Marshfield: hawfinch; also nuthatch, mistle and song thrushes and redwings. Lots of yew trees, and many others for them all.

John Lewis

Goldcliff Pools

Mon 10th Jan 2022

Main sighting: White fronted Goose.

22 Greater White-fronted Geese ( including 7 juveniles) feeding with Canadas behind first pool this morning. Spooked by malel Marsh Harrier then flew to pool in front of sea wall hide.

Harry Cochrane

Greenmeadow, Cwmbran

Mon 10th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Bullfinch

A bullfinch visited our garden this morning along with the usual blue tits, house sparrows and wood pigeons.

It flew off east after being spooked by a squirrel.

Bernie Jones

On garden fatball feeders in Allt yr yn Newport

Sun 9th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Male and female Blackcaps

Male and Female Blackcaps along with
Long tailed tits on feeders at midday

Next event

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Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]