Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Verity Picken


Wed 14th Jun 2023

Main sighting: Curlew chick

The first Curlew chick of the year was found this morning! Hopefully more to follow. Please keep your eyes open for chicks or agitated adults and send all sightings to .

Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Sun 11th Jun 2023

Main sighting: Wheatear

Seven Wheatear territories, with some fledged young, on the Gwent part of the mountain. Count of thirty Linnets including a flock of twenty. Two male Cuckoos calling occasionally, one with some “cuck-cuck-oo” phrases.

Mark Whitaker

River Wye, Penallt

Fri 9th Jun 2023

Main sighting: Garden Warbler

On riverside path downstream from old railway bridge. At least 8 singing males, similar Blackcaps. 1 Dipper, 2 Kingfisher, 2 Bullfinch, number of House Martins collecting scarce mud at river’s edge. No Marsh Tits however. Several salmon (grilse) leaping. Also saw sizeable sewin (about 50 cm) under old Monnow Bridge in Monmouth.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 9th Jun 2023

Main sighting: Egrets

En-route to hides – magpies, pheasants, wren, chiffchaff, kingfisher in reen right of bridge, blackcap, 3 whitethroats, crow and blackbirds. Hide one – reed bunting, cettis, 2 gt white egrets (one ringed, lower left leg), 21 little egrets, 3 herons, 2 spoonbills, 38 redshanks, 5 cormorants, ls black-backed gulls, 194 black-tailed godwits, 6 gadwall, mallards, 1 swift, Canada geese, skylark, harriers, coot, 4 black-headed gulls, 2 oystercatchers, woodpigeons, 4 shoveler, 2 shelduck, greylags, 7 avocet, 7 ringed plovers, 2 dunlin, 1 curlew calling, reed warbler and starlings. Snipe platform – 2 pairs tufteds, 9 swans, 3 swallows. Marsh platform – unexpected male wigeon in amongst mallards and herring gulls. Hide three – 18 more avocet, male pintail, 11 more gadwall little grebe and 21 lapwing. Hide 2 on way back out – jackdaws, gt tit and a buzzard. A male cuckoo showed briefly.

jon holmes

coed morgan

Thu 8th Jun 2023

Main sighting: quail calling

10-30pm single bird calling. often heard at this location over the years

iain crawford


Fri 2nd Jun 2023

Main sighting: Ring-billed gull

Ringbilled gull feeding on dead pike (otter kill?) at Wye shingle beach. Kingfisher took 2 minnows below Priory St. 4 blackcap, 30 Canada geese, greenfinch, 12 house martin, 30 sand martin, 2 gsw, song thrush, grey heron, 2 juv ltt, grey wagtail, chiffchaff, 20 barbel, toad. Only June, already the Wye has a greenish tinge.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 2nd Jun 2023

Main sighting: White Wagtail

Morning visit. En-route to hides – 2 male pheasants, woodpigeons, wrens, crows, herring gulls, 2 chiffchaffs, magpies, robin, mallards, 2 herons, 2 whitethroats, reed warbler singing and jackdaws. Hide one – most of the activity was here with 190 black-tailed godwits, 5 avocet, 2 shelduck, blue tits, Canada geese, 11 redshanks, lesser black-backed gulls, 5 lapwing, 2 ringed plovers, 6 dunlin, 10 lt egrets, 2 shoveler, coot, a good count of 39 gadwall (my highest count here) with 5 more from hide 3, skylark singing, 3 oystercatchers and 4 cormorants (1 a juvenile). Hide two – buzzard, cettis calling, cattle egret in the usual spot on the island ,a single curlew came in and stayed for about 5 minutes, black headed gulls and a moorhen. Snipe platform – 2 male and 1 fem tufteds, 14 mute swans, greylags, little grebe and 1 swallow. Seawall – 6 more swallows, 85 starlings including juvs on the seawall, also 3 pied wagtails (1 juv), and a male white wagtail and 1 yellow wagtail mixed in, 2 sand martins with 18 house martins and 9 swifts. Hide three – sparrows, linnets, 14 more avocet, great white egret, another male tufted, juv male marsh harrier and on the way back another pair of whitethroats, one had nesting material.

Kevin Wood

Back Garden, Brynmawr

Thu 1st Jun 2023

Main sighting: Fledged Great tits and Starlings

At least 6 recently fledged Great tits being fed by parents and 8 fledged Starlings in a very busy back Garden. Also Blue tits feeding 8 young in nest box, Blackbirds with beaks full of worms and a very busy Robin. Jackdaws and Magpies on the hunt. Goldfinches and Greenfinches in front Garden and Chiffchaff heard.

iain crawford


Thu 1st Jun 2023

Main sighting: Goldcrest

Juvenile flying around my garden

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Thu 1st Jun 2023

Main sighting: Hobby

Whilst enjoying an al fresco breakfast at 08:00 a Hobby flew over the garden, having first eyed up the local swifts.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 31st May 2023

Main sighting: Garganey

A male and female Garganey on Monk’s lagoon this evening. The northerly winds seem to be holding up 220 Black-tailed Godwit’s migration.

Julie Baker

Heading East from Cardiff towards Newport

Tue 30th May 2023

Main sighting: 2 Red Kites

2 Red Kites spotted over Rumney heading East towards Newport. I regularly see kites as I frequently vidit Ceredigion. My husband saw them and confirmed they were not buzzards

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]