Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Chris Forster Brown

Goldcliff lagoons

Mon 13th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Sanderling

Couple of hours at Goldcliff Monday. Similar wader mix to other recent posts, with 60+ black-tailed godwit (approx 25% in bp), 8 avocet, 15 curlew, 2 lrp, c. 10 ringed plover, c. 20 lapwing and c. 40 dunlin. Additional species – 1 common sandpiper, 11 turnstone, 11 knot (remnants of bp) and 3 summer plumage sanderling. Single spoonbill showing well. Sadly, no spotted redshank. Most interesting sighting from a behavioural point of view, was a juvenile starling, which spent a couple of minutes wheeling around with a group of 30 dunlin. It appeared to keep up very well, banking around, before maybe realising its ‘mistake’ and dropping back down to the island. Not seen this behaviour before.

Chris Stone


Mon 13th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Common scoter

There has been five Common scoter (inc 2 females) floating up and down the Severn between the two bridges this pm (last seen approx. 5.45pm floating downriver)). Also a Comic tern earlier down river.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 11th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Lesser Whitethroat

Afternoon visit. Hide one – lapwing 15, dunlin 36 (no juvs yet), redshank 11, ringed plover 4, rooks passing through. Redshank platform – avocet 8, black-tailed godwits 8, 2 lesser black-backed gulls (ad and 1st year juv), 8 more dunlin, 4 more redshanks and 6 more lapwing. The black headed gull roost comprised of 455 adults and only 5 juvs with 3 common gulls mixed in. Also from here 1 ad turnstone, 5 more ringed plovers, 6 oystercatchers, pair of gadwall in eclipse plumage, 11 sand martins and 1 common sandpiper. Snipe platform – spoonbill kipping, 7 little egrets, 51 black-tailed godwits (most in breeding plumage) with 3 not mixed in, pair of teal, 5 swallows and more sand martins. Sea wall – 48 curlew, another 80 black-tailed godwits feeding on the mudflats and a groups of 7 grey plover close by and an excellent count of 314 shelduck. Hide three – buzzard, yellow wagtail calling, 2 lt ringed plovers, linnets and a female sparrowhawk. En-route back to the car park – chiffchaff contact call in the long hedgerow, lesser whitethroat contact call behind the snipe platform, 6 house martins and 2 grey herons. Other – numerous gatekeepers and meadow browns, 1 each of small and large white and red admiral. Distant dragonfly may have been an emperor?

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 10th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

Spotted Redshanks (BP) 1 Spoonbill 1 Avocet 10 Knot 21 Little ringed Plover 2 Ringed Plover 4 Black-tailed Godwit 142 Dunlin 12 Redshank 30 Shelduck 203 (saltings) Shoveler 2 Raven 2 Marsh Harrier (imm male) Buzzard 1 Blue Tit 2 Chiffchaff 1 Reed Warbler 2 Reed Bunting 2 plus a few Swallows House Martins Sand Martins and a Swift
Also: Black-tailed Skimmer 2 Blue Tailed and Emerald Damselflies Small Copper 1 Meadow Brown 20

Chris Stone

Black rock

Thu 9th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Common sand

Common sand 4, Med gull adult, Redshank 7, Raven

Blair jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Thu 9th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Spoonbill and waders

High Tide Visit Am : Monks (Lagoon 1) – 90 c Black Tailed Godwit Flock, 12 + Knots ( seemed more today), 8 x Turnstone, Common Sandpiper, Sanderling, 10+ Redshank, 14 x Oystercatchers, 6 x Avocets, 90 + Black Headed Gulls, 1 maybe 2 Common Gulls, 2 x Lesser Black Backed Gulls, 1 x Herring Gulls, 10+ Dunlins. 4 x Little Egrets, 1 x Spoonbill, 1 x Grey heron, 1 x Cormorant, 3+ Little Ringed Plovers , 10+ Ringed Plovers. Carrion Crows on the island. Pied Wagtails, Linnets and Starlings.

Chris West and digger


Thu 9th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Merlin

Group of 8 mistle thrushes, spotted fly catcher , f merlin flying upstream 6′ above water, red kite, buzzard, little egret,mallard with 2, week old ducklings (4 yesterday), swifts, pied wagtail.

Nicholas Beswick

Beaufort Common

Thu 9th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Little Ringed Plover

Two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers feeding by the new cycle path. Red Kite, Buzzard, two Swifts over. Reed Bunting singing. Flock of 60 Starlings but none with pink jackets…

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Thu 9th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Common Sandpiper

7-Common Sandpipers 10h30-11h40

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 8th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Erratum and Common Gull

Erratum – my previous post shpuld be dated 8/07/20.
Review of pics – Common Gull also seen on Monks in with the Black Headed Gull roost.

Toby Fountain

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 7th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Sandwich Tern

High tide evening roost, weather conditions: very windy. Most notable sighting was a trio of Sandwich Terns which briefly hovered over the BH Gull roost on Priors Lagoon. Waders included 150 + Curlew, 120 + BT Godwit, 50 Redshank, 38 Dunlin, 24 Knot (including 3 in summer plumage), 18 Lapwing, 16 Ringed Plover and 3 Turnstone. Also 6 Little Egret, Grey Heron and a Barnacle Goose.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 7th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Spoonbill and waders

High Tide Am Visit- Highlight – Spoonbill observed on Becs and Priors Lagoons by a number of birders.
Monks Lagoon – 130+ Black Tailed Godwits, 12 x Knots, 8 + Turnstones, 10+ Dunlins, 20 + Redshank, 4 x Avocets, 14 x Oystercatchers 60+ Black Headed Gulls, 1 x Herring Gull.
4 x Shelduck..

Priors Lagoon – relatively quiet although Spoonbill settled on the lagoon and was still there at 12pm.

Other – Raven., Linnets, Swallows.
A male Marsh Harrier was seen by birders earleir in the morning.

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Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
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