Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Christopher West


Tue 19th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Sandmartins

6 sandmatrtins

iain crawford


Mon 18th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Sparrowhawk

Female sparrowhawk and a buzzard soaring high over village pm

tony & jan jenkins

magor pill to redwick

Sun 17th Mar 2024

Main sighting: wader passage

High to ebb tide walk gave a small wader passage of 3 flocks of knot numbering from 12 to 50 birds, including 18 birds with 22 turnstone and single dunlin, several pairs of oystercatchers, 10 wigeon. Other birds of note inc little egret, raven, cettis, chiffchaff, long tailed tit and gsw.

Michael Duggan

Rogerstone canal at golf club bridge

Sun 17th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Hybrid mallards

Two male hybrid mallards with white bibs and brown bodies. probably the same two birds that visited this time last year. Very attractive birds and nice to see with their normal cousins.

Chris Stone


Sat 16th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Long tailed duck

Marsh Harrier (fem) – good numbers of Avocet (20+) + Blk tailed godwit (20+)
Spotted Redshank Unfortunately two people two people walked along the back of the reserve and put every thing up, muddy conditions very difficult. I only went as far as the Snipe platform, where the Long Tailed duck was……….

Gill Stott

near Newchurch Nat Grid ST449971 / ST4496597192

Sat 16th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Curlew

Heard the curlew call whilst riding a bike towards Newchurch and Devauden travelling east. Saw a single curlew fly overhead south of the lane. Returned two hours later with husband Andy and walked on the field footpath south. We heard the curlew again and saw it fly northwards

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Thu 14th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Chiffchaffs

En-route to hides – chaffinch, magpies, crows, wren, gt tits, blackbirds, pheasant, chiffchaff in full song, herring gulls, woodpigeons, cettis, ls black-backed gulls, light-morph buzzard, collard doves and gt spotted woodpecker. Hide one – Canada geese, pair of marsh harriers, 62 black-tailed godwits, 2 herons, 1 lt egret, 62 teal, 65 wigeon, 2 oystercatchers, 2 pairs lapwing, 56 avocet, 22 shoveler, skylarks, 23 redshanks, 4 coot, 14 gadwall, 2 swans, 24 greylags, mallards, 2 cormorants and a raven. En-route to hide 2 – 2 fieldfares, goldcrest, moorhen, 2nd chiffchaff, robin, 11 starlings with a single redwing mixed in. Hide two – stonechat pair, goldfinch and 2 snipe. En-route to platform – male reed bunting in full song. Snipe platform – long tailed duck, blue tits, 4 male and 4 female tufteds and 2 lt grebes. Hide three – 29 curlew (very high tide so the salt marsh was covered), 62 shelduck, 1 ringed plover, meadow pipits, pied wagtail and 2 more egrets.

John Edwards


Thu 14th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Chiff chaff

First chiffchaff of the year.. also mistle thrush s nest almost complete

tony & jan jenkins


Wed 13th Mar 2024

Main sighting: siskin

Increasing numbers of siskins at the feeders with a flock of @ 60 birds in the area and at least 20 visiting the sunflower hearts at a time.
Also goshawk over devauden midday

Lee Parsons


Mon 11th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Willow Warbler

Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap!

Ruth Brown

Abergavenny garden

Sun 10th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Siskin

Amazed to count at least 25 Siskin round my feeders this morning.

Neville James

Goldcliff lagoons

Fri 8th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Colour ringed avocets

En-route to hides – crows, woodpigeons, magpies, pheasant, robin, Canada geese, herring gulls and 7 fieldfares. Hide one – mallards, skylarks, 183 black-tailed godwits, 60 avocet (2 colour ringed – upper left green / right leg YA and 2nd bird upper left H9), 29 redshanks, 31 teal, 68 wigeon, 2 lt egrets, 9 shoveler, 2 pairs lapwing, coot, male stonechat, spotted redshank, heron, male marsh harrier (1st or 2nd yr bird). Hide two – 1 cormorant, 3 snipe, 4 shelduck, greylags, wren and moorhen. Snipe platform – 5 male and 3 female tufteds. En-route to seawall – dunnock, gt and blue tits and cettis. Hide three – oystercatchers, 12 gadwall, goldfinch, 16 more shoveeler, 56 more teal, 42 more wigeon, female marsh harrier, long-tailed duck, starling and 2 gt black-backed gulls.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]