Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 25th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Hobby

Chiffchaff 2, blackcap 1. Hide 1 – swallow 11, curlew 6, cormorant 2. Snipe platform – shelduck 7, ringed plover 25, grey heron 2, redshank 90, black-tailed godwit 296 with 20 knot mixed in, yellow wagtail 2, reed bunting 1, sedge warbler 1, glossy ibis (showed 4 times during the visit), little egret 6, greylag geese (pair with rings and one chick -Z4d and Z4C), ravens, lapwing 9, sand martin 7, skylark alarm calling and a stoat emerged from the soft rushes with a small bird possibly a lark or pipit and ran off down the bank towards the hedge, teal 8, shoveler 6, fem marsh and 2 common snipe. Marsh platform – lt ringed plover 1, Seawall – 46 curlew on the mudflats with 220 shelduck beyond and another 84 on the sea, 2 gt black-backed gulls. Hide 3 – 2 yellow wagtails on the fence, 20 oystercatchers, 26 teal and a single wigeon. Redshank platform – black-headed gull roost comprised 545 adults and 5 juvs, 2 1cy med gulls also, 12 turnstone, common buzzard, 2 common and 1 green sandpipers, 1 sanderling, 35 more ringed plovers, female sparrowhawk and a hobby over. 10 avocet seen one with colour rings (green over white (left leg) green over yellow marked Z (right leg) – sighting submitted to the wader society.

Neville Davies


Fri 24th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Wheatear

Sorry for late posting, just going over my notes, but a male wheatear was showing well on the mountain towards Mynydd Llangattock where there was a family group of stonechats, 1 redstart, 5 willow warblers and 2 spotted flycatchers.

Nicholas Beswick

The Bryn

Thu 23rd Jul 2020

Main sighting: Green Sandpiper

One Green Sandpiper upstream of the railway bridge. Three Common Sandpipers and a Little Egret. Flock of 55 Lesser Black-backed Gulls in a ploughed field.

Graham Agg

The Narth

Tue 21st Jul 2020

Main sighting: Bullfinch

A pair of Bullfinch in the garden recently followed yesterday and today by a couple of newly fledged youngsters one of whom buzzed past my head like an oversized bumblebee! Not yet located the nest.

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

sirhowy valley country park

Sat 18th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Dipper

Dipper, also several grey wagtails incl juveniles, song thrush

Neville Davies / Dan Webb / Andrew Strong

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 18th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Migration

AM visit – Car park area – 2 stock doves, 6 house martins and chiffchaff contact call. Hide 1 single greenshank and a grey heron struggling with a three quarter grown coot before finally giving up on swallowing it whole and leaving it. 2 sand martins through. Redshank platform -sedge warbler in the foliage, 10 lapwing, 2 oystercatchers, 21 dunlin, 15 ringed plovers, 7 avocet (2 juvs). Snipe platform – 5 lt egrets, 3 grey herons, 13 knot mixed in with 120 black-tailed godwits most in breeding plumage and one good candidate for a ‘limosa’ race (tbc). 62 dunlin dropped in with the first juveniles amongst them (2), single wigeon, 10 teal, 1 grey wagtail overhead calling, 1 common sandpiper, 1 yellow wagtail overhead calling, cettis calling, reed warbler singing, 2 curlew, male reed bunting, 2 swift and 2 ad and 1 juv lt ringed plovers. Marsh platform – 61 common redshanks, 1 buzzard, 2 swallows, 4 yellow wagtails (1 juv) landed on the fence before carrying on through and 2 shoveler. Hide 3 – 124 dunlin dropped in. Possible rock pipit again from the seawall but could not be relocated (call and flight)Other: emperor dragonfly, plenty of gatekeepers, meadow browns and the first common blue butterfly.

Nicholas Beswick

Garn Lakes

Thu 16th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Great White Egret

Great White Egret has been settled at the top lake since yesterday when found by Lee Gregory. Lots of Marbled Whites.

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Thu 16th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Hobby

Following an explosion of alates this evening we saw: Swift 50 Hobby 2 Lesser B/B and Herring Gulls and the first post breeding Black-headed Gull from our garden. Other species joining in the feast Magpies House Sparrows Long=tailed Tit Jackdaws and House Martins.
Earlier Sparrowhawk 1 Buzzard 2 Greenfinch and Goldfinch.

Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Wed 15th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Red Kite

Three kites over together this afternoon. A tussle between two ended with them locking talons and briefly spiralling down before disengaging. Also Wheatears with young, Stonechats, male Reed Bunting, Buzzard and Kestrel. A Rook on a moorland fence post was unusual.

Iain Crawford

Grwyne Fawr area

Wed 15th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Upland birds

Juvenile redstart, 2 song thrush, 5 swallows 10 goldfinches. Further upstream just beyond county boundary, between car park and reservoir, heron, buzzard, 5 adult 8 juvenile wheatear, 3 juvenile 6 adult grey wagtails, 4 dippers, 1 adult male and 3 juvenile stonechat, male bullfinch, garden warbler, chiffchaff, 5 ravens, a goosander, juvenile redstart, 1 adult 2 juvenile mistle thrush, and a song thrush.

Chris & Theresa Stone


Wed 15th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Common Scoter

there has been 19 Scoter floating/flying up and down between the Severn bridges this pm, still there 6.45pm, also Med gull and Pintail (ES).

Mark Whitaker


Tue 14th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Quail

Two birds reported by a friend calling at dusk this time north of the village towards Kentchurch. Haven’t heard the one near my house of late but there appear to be 2-3 calling males near the village.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]