Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Geoff North

Goldcliffe Lagoons

Tue 1st Aug 2023

Main sighting: Red Start

Willow Warbler, Wheatear, Whitethroat, Kingfisher and Lapwing

Geoff North

Goldcliffe lagoons

Tue 1st Aug 2023

Main sighting: Red Start, Willow Warbler, Wheatear

Lapwing, kingfisher

Lorraine north


Tue 1st Aug 2023

Main sighting: Redstart

Willow warbler wheat ear



Mon 31st Jul 2023

Main sighting: Peregrine Falcon

Pelegrine Falcon

John Davies

Goldcliff lagoons

Sun 30th Jul 2023

Main sighting: Yellow Wagtail

8 Yellow Wagtail feeding around cattle Infront of hides

Adrian Edwards


Sun 30th Jul 2023

Main sighting: Garden warbler

Garden warbler on church lane, with white throats; swallows, reed, sedge and wrens on ty mawr lane; ravens at the church as usual.

Kevin Dupé

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 29th Jul 2023

Main sighting: Disturbance at Goldcliff Lagoons

There will be some disturbance on Sunday, between about 9.45am and 3pm , when Cardiff Conservation Volunteers cut vegetation around the fox fence. We apologise fir any inconvenience caused.

Ruth Brown


Wed 26th Jul 2023

Main sighting: Sand Martins

1 Little Owl sunning itself, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Dipper, Sand Martins still feeding young in both sites, Chiffchaff etc. Also Comma and Red Admiral + Meadow Browns.

David Adams


Tue 25th Jul 2023

Main sighting: Mandarin Duck

At 2.45 pm, looking over the Monnow from Priory Street, I saw a party of 5 young Mandarin Ducks gently making their way upstream, investigating the banks and sometimes the undergrowth there.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 25th Jul 2023

Main sighting: Yellow Wagtails

Dawn visit: Hide one – blackcap, crows, woodpigeons, blackbirds, chiffchaff, mallards, 17 greylags, Canada geese, 2 herons, 5 lt egrets, 13 lapwing, 6 redshanks, 1 black-tailed godwit (5 more from hide 3 and 4 feeding on the foreshore), green woodpecker, 8 gadwall, meadow pipits, reed buntings, 9 yellow wagtails and family group stonechats. Hide two – linnets, goldfinches, raven, whitethroat, skylarl, starlings, sparrows and pied wagtails. Snipe platform – little owl pellet, 9 swans, coot, tufted family, moorhen, reed warbler family group, 3 lt grebes, cettis, herring, black-headed and lesser black-backed gulls, 1 snipe. Marsh platform – 2 gt white egrets, pheasant (with juvenile), 1 curlew and 162 sand martins aerial feeding. Hide three – gt spotted woodpecker, 2nd chiffchaff, 4 cormorants, 2 common sandpipers, spotted redshank, blue tit family group, 9 dunlin and magpies. Back at hide one a female marsh harrier was eating a caught magpie in the short grass.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Wentloog

Sun 23rd Jul 2023

Main sighting: Short Eared Owl

1-Short Eared Owl flying along the reen alongside the coastal path.19h55.

pete smith

High Beech Lane, Chepstow

Sat 22nd Jul 2023

Main sighting: Lesser Black Backed Gull [Ringed]

Adult LBB Gull with Red ring on lower left leg. Unable to read any numbers

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]