Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 26th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Merlin and roundup

En-route to hides – wrens, chaffinch, crows, chiffchaffs (6 recorded throughout the reserve), blackcap in song, pheasant, collard dove, starling, woodpigeons, cettis, blackbirds, magpies, moorhen, blue tits, buzzard (light-morph bird), long tailed tits and a dunnock. Hide one – 41 redshanks, 2 little egrets, 55 shelduck, Canada and greylags, skylarks, 26 avocet, 8 shoveler, 221 black-tailed godwits with 2 knot mixed in, 1 heron, 5 gadwall, pair pintail, 6 teal only, 4 lapwing, 5 wigeon only, ls black-backed gulls, coot, female stonechat, meadow pipit, female marsh harrier, 1 snipe and a female sparrowhawk. Female goldcrest and linnets en-route to next hide. Hide two – male merlin flew low and landed on the fence to the right of the hide, stayed there for about 15 minutes preening / stretching (photos on @ecology_cymryu), 2 cormorants, 2 oystercatchers, spotted redshank, mistle thrush and 4 mute swans. Snipe platform – robin, 2 little grebes, 4 male and 3 female tufteds and mallards. Seawall – 7 curlew and a reed bunting only. Hide three – pair of spoonbill resting, 14 more teal, 4 more wigeon, 2 more oystercatchers, 2 more shoveler, 4 more lapwing, 4 more little egrets, 1 ringed plover, raven and what looked to be an albino-type mallard. marsh platform – long-tailed duck showing well.

Neville James Davies

Red barn pools, Goldcliff

Tue 26th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Willow Warbler

Willow warbler in full song and a 2nd heard further into the reserve. Also seen, male kestrel, 2 chiffchaffs, jackdaws, crows, 25 teal, 1 little egret, skylarks, blue tits, good count of 12 reed buntings feeding together, coot, gadwall, 1 heron, cettis, magpies, cormorant, pheasant, robin and goldfinch.

Verity Picken

River south of Usk

Sun 24th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Sand Martin

Three Sand Martins; also an Otter, watched for some time feeding on what looked like small eels

Mr Graham Agg

The Narth

Sat 23rd Mar 2024

Main sighting: Willow Warbler

Willow Warbler singing gently in Manor Wood, Chiffchaffs have been regular for several days.

Neville James Davies

Beaufort Common

Fri 22nd Mar 2024

Main sighting: Wheatear

First one of the spring for me, male.

Allan Dowson


Fri 22nd Mar 2024

Main sighting: Sand Martins

7-Sand Martins,2-Red Kites,2-Little Ringed Plovers,5-Goosanders 2m3f,2-Mandarins m+f flying up river,2-Oyster Catchers.10h30-13h00

Verity Picken


Thu 21st Mar 2024

Main sighting: Wheatear

First one this year.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Thu 21st Mar 2024

Main sighting: Blackcap

En-route to hides – woodpigeons, wrens, herring gulls, chaffinch, chiffchaffs, blackcap in song, pheasant, crow, goldfinch and blackbirds. Hide 1 – mallards, skylarks, Canada geese, 2 swans, 119 black-tailed godwits, ls black-backed gulls, greylags, 3 snipe, 44 redshanks, coot, 6 gadwall, spotted redshank, 5 lapwing, 18 shoveler, male pintail, 42 wigeon, 68 teal, 2 lt egrets, cettis, 36 avocet, 5 shelduck, magpie, 1 heron and 1 cormorant. Hide 2 – gt tit, reed bunting and 3 more cormorants. Snipe platform – 7 male and 3 fem tufteds, 2 lt grebes and mallards. Seawall – 3 curlew, 2 oystercatchers, jackdaws and pied wagtails. Hide 3 – pair fem marsh harriers together, 4 more gadwall, 18 more teal, 21 more widgeon, 8 more shoveler, 2 more lapwing, 5 more snipe, 2nd male pintail 3 ringed plovers and meadow pipits.

Neville James Davies

Magor Marsh

Thu 21st Mar 2024

Main sighting: Egrets

Ls black-backed gulls, 4 chiffchaffs, jackdaws, crows, stonechat, 2 cettis, buzzards, wren, woodpigeons, 3 gadwall, 2 swans, 9 herons, 11 lt egrets, robin, moorhen, gt tit, blue tit, mallards, male lt grebe, blackbirds, pheasant, gt spotted woodpecker and goldfinch.

Neville James Davies

Bridewell Common, Magor

Thu 21st Mar 2024

Main sighting: Stonechat

Wrens, rooks, blackbirds, buzzards, goldfinches, dunnock, greenfinch, chiffchaffs, woodpigeons, chaffinch, cettis, jay, robin, blue tit, ls black-backed gulls, pheasant, mallards, mute swans, crows, moorhen, gt tit, siskin, song thrush, stonechat and starling.

iain crawford


Wed 20th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Sparrowhawks

2 female sparrowhawks fighting high over Wyesham Avenue

Christopher West


Tue 19th Mar 2024

Main sighting: Sandmartins

6 sandmartins

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7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]