Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


John O'Sullivan

Penylan (above Bassaleg)

Mon 17th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Great White Egret

Fairly quiet overhead migration session of1 1/2 hours was enlivened on the way back to the car when two Great White Egrets flapped their way slowly west into the wind. Not a species I expected to see low down over the telephone mast. The only other notable species were 208 Stock Dove flying in a westerly direction and a Swallow heading SE

Nicholas Beswick

Pwll Du

Sun 16th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Ring Ouzel

Two female Ouzels feeding on Rowan berries at the top of the quarry rock face. Also foraged on the grass where they were joined by a Green Woodpecker. Two Redwings over.

iain crawford

Tregate to Ruthlin Mill

Sun 16th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Kestrel

Male kestrel, female sparrowhawk, 5 ravens, 2 buzzards, greenfinch, jay, 5 longtailed tits, green woodpecker, grey heron

Neville Davies


Sat 15th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Redwing

Still thin on the ground, but 2 redwings feeding on holly berries in a friend’s garden.



Sat 15th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Little Egret

A Little Egret was fishing under the new Monnow road bridge again at 0930 this morning, and another (?) was feeding on the Wye at Hadnock at 1530, (also 4 female Goosander there).

Ray Duggan

Rogerstone canal by golf club

Fri 14th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Mallard Ducks

Usual M/F mallards but 2M with brown sides and white bib in front. definitely mallards. Hybrid?

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Lower Machen

Thu 13th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Goshawk

A short afternoon walk: Goshawk Sparrowhawk Buzzard Green Woodpecker Mistle Thrush a flock of 20 plus 3 others Stock Dove 5 Chaffinch 6 Cole Tit 1 Blue Tit 2 Jay 1

Adrian Edwards


Thu 13th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Goosanders

Not quite Gwent, but 5 Goosanders and 6 little egret, 1 grey wagtail on the Taff at llandaff

Geoffrey North

Sea wall Goldcliff

Thu 13th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Dead Gannet

Avian flu victim?? Bird unblemished.

David Adams

Monnow Bridge, Monmouth

Wed 12th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Little Egret

At 12.00 today a single Little Egret was fishing in the Monnow below the new road bridge in Monmouth. Seen from the old bridge.

Neville Davies

Cascade allotments, Cascade.

Wed 12th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Redwings

Group of 14 redwings flying around.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 12th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Spoonbill

Morning visit – robin, crows, blackbirds, wren, cettis, herring gulls, 48 mallards and moorhens. Snipe platform – spoonbill feeding and showing well, did take off at 0930 over the Point but cane back in about 10 minutes later, 11 lt egrets, 367 black-tailed godwits and 6 knot mixed in, teal, 5 snipe, shoveler, 15 redshanks, kingfisher going past, 2 kestrels, linnets, 77 meadow pipits, 2 herons, water rail squealing, grey phalarope showing well, 62 lapwing, 2 cygnets, starlings, jackdaws, 1st year great black-backed gull, magpies, 2 chiffchaffs and chaffinch. Marsh platform – 62 dunlin, pied wagtails, 7 skylarks, woodpigeons, 2 cormorants and a female stonechat. Seawall – oystercather, 52 curlew adult gt black-backed gull and 2 swallows. Male pheasant, blue tits and gt spotted woodpecker.

Next event

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Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]