Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 18th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Pectoral Sandpiper and Marsh Harrier

My observations from yesterdays visit. Dawn until mid-day.
A female type Marsh Harrier was seen eating a vole and later an unlucky duck on Monks Lagoons for most of the morning.
Sparrowhawk flew through mobbed by Carrion Crows at Monks.
Swallows were passing through the reserve and feeiding on lots of airborne insects. Whetears , Stoenchats and Meadow Pipits all over the place.
Spotted Flycatcher seen in the hedgerow at the rear of Redshank Platform.
Priors Lagoon with the usual ducks , geese and Mute Swans.
Becs Lagoon west again was host to majority of the waders.
Highlights 11 x Ruff, 10+ Snipe at least. Lapwings and some Black Tailed Godwits and Curlews present but most keeping their heads down out of sight behind the island or out of view.
The Pectorial Sandpiper was found on Becs by a Paul Hayward. It was hanging about by the channel between the island and the field on the left of Becs.
Kestrel was seen several times around the reserve.
Other sightings of note – Several Migrant Hawker Dragonflies near Hide 2.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 18th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Kingfisher

Dawn to mid-morning. Hide 1 – 72 curlew in the roost with 2 black-tailed godwits and 5 knot mixed in. The hedgerows between hides 1 and 2 had a female blackcap, 2 willow warblers, common whitethroat (contact call) and 9 chiffchaffs. Redshank platform – redshanks, 2 ringed plovers, 93 teal, 58 wigeon and a pheasant calling. Snipe platform – 3 tufted ducks, female pintail, male kestrel, pair of little grebes and a buzzard calling. Seawall – 3 wheatears (1 more on a hay bale), only 1 yellow wagtail all morning, 11 more knot on the saltings with singles of common and gt black-backed gull. A kingfisher was flying across the reserve towards hide 2. Hide 3 – only 4 dunlin (1 lighter bird but was not the pec sand seen by B Thomas later), snipe numbers now at 26, 2 herons, 4 little egrets, 11 ruff, 23 shoveler, 9 gadwall, 35 lapwing, 9 mute swans, 1 oystercatcher, juv female marsh harrier, steady passage of 60 swallows, 1 whimbrel and 2 stock doves. Small regular groups of meadow pipits just out over the sea. Back behind the lapwing platform was a red kite circling (not the scraggy one that has been about the past 2 weeks) and a spotted flycatcher. Other: Southern hawkers, common darters, red admirals, small copper, large whites, speckled woods, comma and a rabbit.

B Thomas


Sat 18th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Pectoral Sandpiper

Possible Pectoral Sandpiper seawall hide.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 17th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Green Sandpiper

Green Sandpiper 2 Ruff 9 Little Stint 1 Snipe 4 Whinchat 3 Wheatear 10 none of which were on the hay bales!
The seawall hide has been swept out, a big thank you to who ever did it.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Thu 16th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Green Sandpiper and Hobby

Afternoon visit at high tide. Wheatears and Meadow Pipits in abundance throughout the reserve but particularly fond of perching on the hay bales.
Most of the waders were on Becs Lagoon viewable from the seawall hide.
Green Sandpiper x 1 , Snipe x 8, Ruff x 11, Black Headed Gulls x 1oo, Lapwings x 40c, Whimbrel x 1 , Curlew x 7 ( none ringed). Redshank x 3. Dunlin x 10. Little Egret x 1 . Priors – Wigeon numbers appear to be growing. Teal , Shoveler, Gadwall and Mallard Ducks. Little Grebe x 1.
Kestrel seen several times . a Hobby flew through and put everything up.
I then left at 5pm

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Sker House, Kenfig

Thu 16th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Hoopoe

Not in Gwent of course, but we went to see the Hoopoe at Sker, Kenfig today – fab views as it sat up on the wall in the sunshine.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 15th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Ruff

Not allot of birding as we were working with John Marsh cutting and cleaning. However, we did see a flock of elven Ruff.

Verity Picken

Goldcliff, West Usk, Peterstone

Mon 13th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Colour-ringed Curlews

Sightings of colour-ringed Curlews are needed for an important on-going BTO project. Please submit records to . See our Home page and click on ‘Read here …’ for the details required.

Christopher and Julie West

Oxbow, river Usk.

Sun 12th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Canada geese

50 canada geese over, 20 mallard,10 mistle thrush and sadly a tawny owl at the roadside. I photo’d this stunning bird and noted its white socks. I took the bird to the bench at the oxbow.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 12th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Hobby

WeBs count: Hobby flew over Becs chasing Swallows. Good numbers of ducks including 5 Pintail Teal 61 Gadwall 4 Wigeon 51 Shoveler 53
Whitethroat 1 Chiffchaff 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Kingfisher 2 Snipe 4 Ruff 3 Greenshank 1 Dunlin 62

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 11th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Swift

Forgot to add to Saturday’s Goldcliff list, single common swift over the reserve at 11.50hrs.

Iain Crawford


Sat 11th Sep 2021

Main sighting: Barnacle geese

4 barnacle geese in western bay. Also green and gs woodpeckers, jay, 2 ravens, 2 great crested grebes, kestrel. 3 buzzards, heron. At Llandenny, a red kite. At Usk Bridge, 7 goosanders, 4 grey wagtails, a little egret and a reed bunting.

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