Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Allan Dowson

Sluice Farm

Sat 31st Jul 2021

Main sighting: Kestrel

5-Kestrels together,almost certainly a family group,working their way east over the saltmarsh.12h00-13h00.

B Thomas


Sat 31st Jul 2021

Main sighting: Little Stint

Little Stint – 2nd hide.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 30th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Little Stint

Adult Little Stint on Monks Wood Sandpiper 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Greenshank 2 Little Ringed Plover 2 Stock Dove 2 pale phased Buzzard 1

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 30th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Little Stint

visit 17:35-20:15 low tide; Adult Little Stint on Monks Greenshank 2 Common Sand Piper 1 Wood Sandpiper 1 Stock Dove 2 pale phased Buzzard 1

John Lewis

Goldcliff Lagoon

Thu 29th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Wood Sandpiper( 3)

No other birders present for my peaceful low tide visit over from Bristol between 4 and 7 this evening. Wind dropped as it clouded over. Walk to Bec’s lagoon rewarded with 3 lovely Wood Sandpipers hugging the rushes at the back and nice male Ruff among the Lapwings ( counted 163). Other waders were 2 adult Dunlin, 1 juvenile Redshank, 4 Little Ringed Plovers ( on Monk’s). On the shoreline were 14 Curlew, 1 Whimbrel and 7 Oystercatcher with a Raven on the sea wall.. Other highlights were female Tufted Duck with 6 ducklings ( 2nd brood?) , 1 Lesser Whitethroat behind Snipe platform and a Kingfisher on the sluice by the entrance path. Nice to be back in my birth County.
( Complete list on e-bird)

Mike Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 28th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Hobby

Highlights of todays visit, very windy. Hobby 1 Mediterranean Gull 2 juvs Ruff 2 a male in partial BP + a Reeve Yellow Wagtail 1 Wood Sandpiper 1 Little Ringed Plover 2 Little Grebe 2 one juv.
Lots of Gate Keepers and Meadow Browns

Neville Davies / Dan Webb

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 24th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Migration

6am – 11. Despite sat in hide 2 amongst the thunderstorms there was a great mix of birds on the lagoons today with 14 species of wader. Hide 2 – good count of 83 oystercatchers (5 non-breeders going into 1st year plumage – white collars), 30 lapwing, 8 curlew, 3 cormorants over, 5 teal, single bar-tailed godwit, 1 heron, 15 redshanks including 1 juvenile, 55 black-tailed godwits (all in breeding plumage), 30 dunlin, 5 ringed plovers, 2 common sandpipers, 1 whimbrel, adult greenshank, 1 common gull over with several herring gulls, 2 common terns that came over the seawall but dipped back down out of sight, large flock of 100+ linnets, skylarks, 3 shoveler, shelduck, chiffchaff contact call, 1 yellow wagtail over, female marsh harrier and ravens. 3 common whitethroats seen between hides 2 and 3 with lesser whitethroat also heard, green woodpecker, buzzard, reed warbler singing and pheasant calling. Hide 3 – the 2 wood sandpipers were feeding along the far bank towards the left (pub in the background), 6 knot, 340 black-headed gulls (several juveniles), 5 little egrets, 1 avocet, 106 more dunlin with the first juvenile of the season (1), 73 more lapwing, 9 mute swans, little grebe, reed buntings, gadwall with 3 ducklings, 2 more yellow wagtails, 25 pied wagtails, 1 lt ringed plover, 11 more ringed plovers, juvenile snipe and good numbers of migrating sand martins with 620 in small flocks with others still passing through as we left. Other: several gatekeepers and meadow browns.

Iain Crawford


Fri 23rd Jul 2021

Main sighting: Swifts

25 swifts, 4 ravens, buzzard, 2 gsw, green woodpecker, a jay and a stock dove.

B Thomas


Fri 23rd Jul 2021

Main sighting: Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper from hide 2

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards


Sun 18th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Nightjars

went back to “Gavin’s spot” from earlier walks – reckoning weather would be good for them – started churring and flapping about 10pm; saw 3 (1 hovering kestrel-like just overhead) , heard 5 (2 more on the walk back) probably; also heard woodcock patrolling.

Verity Picken

River Usk

Sun 18th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Little Ringed Plover

Picnic breakfast beside the Usk this morning. Lapwing, LRP, 4 Common Sands, Mandarin and Goosander young, Little Egret, Little Grebe, 3 Kingfishers, Yellow Wag, 8 Grey Wags, Sand Martin colony still active. Trout jumping. Heaving with dragonflies and butterflies including Marbled White. What a river!

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Sun 18th Jul 2021

Main sighting: Shelduck

Pretty quiet apart from three separate families of with 6-juvs. one with 4-juvs.and one with 8-juvs.All ducklings roughly 35% adult size.12h00-12h50

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]