Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Bernie Jones

Goldcliff and Newport Wetlands RSPB at 11am

Tue 8th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Kestrel

Great close up view of Kestrel on wires just outside entrance to Lagoons from road
Large number of Shovelers on wetlands at entrance from road to Red Barn hide
Also large no of Lapwings
In brambles in front of car there were 4 chiffchaff
In fields near turn to Uskmouth there were 3 Little Egret
At Newport wetlands from Cafe an overflying
Raven was seen along with on the feeders a Jay, Gt Spotted Woodpecker and a mixed flock of 30 Goldfinch and Greenfinch
4 Gadwall on pond

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards


Mon 7th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Hawfinch

seen again today – pair; hadn’t seen them for 2 weeks or so but back again today – at St Mary’s churchyard and the field below.

Bob Potter

Caldicot Garden

Sun 6th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Greenfinch

3 Greenfinch (1 male, 2 female, the first in some weeks) on sunflower seed feeders along with 16 Goldfinch.

Bob Potter

Caldicot Garden

Sun 6th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Greenfinch

3 Greenfinch (1 male, 2 females) on sunflower seed feeders, along with 16 Goldfinch.

Verity Picken

Ton, Llangybi

Sat 5th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Brambling

Six Brambling, 3 Greenfinch and a Bullfinch this morning and a Barn Owl (caught on the trail cam) last night. Roughly 150 corvids and 50-odd Stock Dove over a nearby cover crop.


Monmouth garden

Sat 5th Feb 2022

Main sighting: TAWNY OWLS

Woken at 03:15 this morning by a pair of Tawnies (M&F) having a conversation which only diminished as they eventually flew away. Had it been our neighbours I would have complained, but, hey….Tawnies, you’re forgiven!

Verity Picken

Ton, Llangybi

Fri 4th Feb 2022

Main sighting: Stock Dove

At least 80 Stock Dove, 100 corvids (a decrease on recent days), 120 Chaffinch, 10 Linnet plus a few Brambling and Reed Bunting in a cover crop. Two pairs Bullfinch in the garden a couple of days ago.

Bob Potter

Nedern Brook, Caldicot

Thu 3rd Feb 2022

Main sighting: Common Gull

Common Gull 2; Black Headed Gull 20; Shoveler 30; Teal 70; Widgeon 100+; Canada Geese 100+; Tufted Duck 4; Heron; Little Egret; Buzzard x3 (plus one dead one, been there some time, no leg rings); Great Spotted Woodpecker; Song Thrush; Long Tailed Tit; Carrion Crow;

Neville Davies / John Lawton

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 2nd Feb 2022

Main sighting: Geese

Fairly quiet bird wise but highlights included 4 Buzzards, redwings and fieldfares (low numbers), 6 reed buntings, pair of stonechats and a single meadow pipit. Redshank platform – 30 teal (42 more from hide 3), Snipe platform – 2 cormorants, curlew, 1 lt egret, 1 gt black-backed gull on the lagoon, fly past common gull and 1 shoveler. The tundra bean goose was in with the greylags again on the grass area between the marsh platform and the hedge line. Seawall – 106 herring gulls, shelduck and oystercatchers. Hide 3 – 2 mute swans, 92 wigeon, gadwall and 19 pink-footed geese later joined by a 100+ Canada geese.

John Edwards


Tue 1st Feb 2022

Main sighting: Collard dove

Collard dove sitting on eggs

Kevin Dupé

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 1st Feb 2022

Main sighting: Disturbance

There will be some disturbance at Goldcliff Lagoons on Wednesday between approx. 9am and 3pm while we make repairs to the anti-predator fence. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Iain Crawford

Monmouth roundabout A40

Mon 31st Jan 2022

Main sighting: Rooks nesting

Rooks are building nests

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]