Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


B Thomas


Sat 30th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Green Sandpiper

2 Green Sandpiper, Great White Egret this am

John LewisS


Fri 29th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Hobby, Barn Owl

Hobby hunting Swallows over the riverside meadows in the morning. Also a ghostly Barn Owl hunting in the same area after dusk.

Ed Stevens


Wed 27th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Great white egret

Great white egret and 1 Mediterranean Gull just feeding just other side of second Severn crossing. Then flew off east. Also wall butterfly on top of marshal sudbrook my first here

Bryan Hallmark James

Wern ddu Abergavenny

Tue 26th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Night jar

1930 hrs hunting insects over golf course

iain crawford


Tue 26th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Sparrowhawk

Female sparrowhawk over my garden 5.30pm

Verity Picken

River south of Usk

Mon 25th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Little Egret

Four Little Egrets at a site where I’d previously only ever seen one (with the possibility of two once); Yellow and Pied Wagtail young; Sand Martin colony still active.

Adrian Edwards

Peterstone Seawall

Sat 23rd Jul 2022

Main sighting: 3 kestrels

3 kestrels quartering the seawall midday 23/7; successful fledging presumably. Redshanks starting to gather in numbers again; hundreds of BHGs; shelducks and mallards; 20 oystercatchers; 3 curlews; 1 little egret.

Neville Davies

Goldlciff Lagoons

Sat 23rd Jul 2022

Main sighting: Great white egret

0615-1000hrs, 46 species seen, of note were 4 chiffchaffs, 1 cettis, 1 willow warbler in sub-song, 1 reed warbler (contact call), pheasant and skylark. Redshank platform – 5 swallows, 15 swifts, 55 lapwing, 5 ringed plover, 2 little egrets, green woodpecker yaffling, 3 cormorants over. Snipe platform – 1 heron, 10 mute swans, 65 mallards. Seawall – good movement of sand martins (excess of 200 birds) aerial feeding, 7 more swift, 5 curlew, 1 whimbrel, 1 black-tailed godwit on the mud, 5 yellow wagtails, 42 greylags coming in. Marsh platform – 3 more black-tailed godwits feeding, 2 teal, 14 gadwall, 1 common snipe, 5 little ringed plovers (3 juvs and 2 adults), kestrel hovering, great white egret flew in but soon went back over the Pill area, linnets and a little grebe, Lapwing platform – 4 more yellow wagtails amongst the cow herd, starling, and at 0930 a female sparrowhawk flew past low with what looked to possibly be a ringed plover in her talons. Other: meadow browns, gatekeepers (good numbers now), 1 painted lady, Essex skipper, ruddy darter, female four-spot chaser and 1 speckled wood.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Fri 22nd Jul 2022

Main sighting: Shelduck

29-well grown juvenile Shelducks,1-Common Gull (adult),500+Blacked Headed Gulls including 11 juveniles.15h00-15h30

Julie Dungey

Afon Llwyd, Llanyrafon, Cwmbran

Fri 22nd Jul 2022

Main sighting: Goosander

Single female/eclipse male on the river

Allan Dowson

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 20th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Whinchat

1-juv.Whinchat along with 4-juv.Stonechats.Large flock of Black Headed Gulls 200+,contained 29 juveniles,7-Little Egrets,3 distant-Kestrels all juveniles?,1f-Marsh Harrier and large numbers of Sand Martins over Priors lagoon.10h30-12h00

iain crawford

Rholben and Deri Ridge

Wed 20th Jul 2022

Main sighting: Stonechats

25 or more stonechats, mostly juveniles. 1 juvenile whinchat, 2 mipits, 2 stock doves, a jay, 7 juvenile redstarts, 5 willow warblers, a raven, a buzzard, 3 gsw, 2 green wpecker, 2 nuthatch, 4 song thrush, 2 skylarks, 60 rooks and 2 linnets.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]