Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mr Allan Dowson


Thu 5th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

3-Spotted Flycatchers,2-Red Kites,4f-Goosanders and a Kingfisher.10h20-12h35

Roger Price

Peterstone Gout

Wed 4th Sep 2019

Main sighting: First Pintail

On the morning tide: 4 Pintail,3 Teal, 15 Shoveler,65 Shelduck,142 Mallard,126 Redshank, 22 Dunlin. One each of Greenshank, Blacktailed Godwit, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Turnstone, 4 Lgrt, 2 Wheatear.

Ed Stevens


Wed 4th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Little owl

Just before 10pm saw a little owl perched on fence of sudbrook pumping station. First I have ever seen here in 32 years of living here.

Chris Dyson


Wed 4th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Semipalmated Sandpiper

Went to Goldcliff early afternoon to see the Semipalmated Sandpiper. Also a Little Stint present which in my view was a faded adult, same as the bird present on Saturday which I also put down as an adult Little Stint – faded rufous on the back and head, indistinct ‘braces’, not as neat as a juvenile. The Semi-p was new for me – quite a subtle bird, but at least I had a chance to read up on the key features before I saw it!

Verity Picken


Tue 3rd Sep 2019

Main sighting: Semi-palmated Sandpiper

Semi-palmated Sand (found by Darryl Spittle) and Little Stint at Goldcliff this morning!

Verity Picken


Mon 2nd Sep 2019

Main sighting: Little Stint

Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Little Stint, colour-ringed Curlew (black over red on right leg, black on left), 1 Whimbrel, 2 Turnstone, c.150 Red Knot, ++

Roger Price

Peterstone SF

Mon 2nd Sep 2019

Main sighting: Peregrine Falcon

At high tide: Large Peregrine falcon harasses duck and Gulls on sea. 80+ Oystercatchers, Whimbrel, 2 each Turnstone,Ringed Plover,Dunlin, 5Lgrt, 30-40 Swallows feeding, 7Pied Wagtails, 22Canada Geese, 7 Wheatear along Peterstone coast(ANO).

Neil Farr

west of Skirrid Fawr

Sun 1st Sep 2019

Main sighting: Red Kite

Red Kite flying over A465 with crows, west of Skirrid Fawr.

Andrew Strong


Sat 31st Aug 2019

Main sighting: Colour-ringed Ringed Plover

The colour-ringed Ringed Plover seen at Goldcliff on 31/8 had been ringed at its breeding site in Norway. Recoveries of birds ringed in that area suggest they winter in West Africa.

N J Davies / Blair Jones / Paul Coombes

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 31st Aug 2019

Main sighting: Waders

Dawn to mid-morning visit highlights included shelduck, 2 chiffchaffs (contact calls), 2 herons, 12 lt egrets, 3 common snipe, female marsh harrier causing mayhem, glossy ibis feeding with the black swan (glossy flew to the Pill at 1045hrs), 6 redshanks, 110 ringed plovers (1 with leg rings and a leg flag), 51 dunlin (10 juvs), 15 teal, 6 shoveler, 8 yellow wagtails, lapwing, 386 knot, 276 black-tailed godwits, female sparrowhawk, 1 ad and 2 juv curlew sandpipers, cettis calling, 3 turnstone, 6 sand martins with 86 swallows, peregrine, female tufted duck, buzzard, 1 lt stint, 1 ruff and a green woodpecker. We were joined by Mike smart from Gloucester who is part of the curlew ringing project – 166 curlew were scanned through and 6 were colour ringed including a German ringed bird of note. Also in with this flock were 2 bar-tailed godwits and 2 whimbrel.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Thu 29th Aug 2019

Main sighting: Knot and Curlew Sandpiper

Best evening I can remember in ages at high tide. Monks was full .Hundreds of birds. 400+ Knot ( will count on my pics), 3 x Curlew Sandpipers ( 1 Adult, 2 Juve), 2 x Ruff, 3 x Snipe, 1 x Marsh Harrier that caused mayhem. Hundreds of Ringed Plovers, Little Ringed Plovers in small numbers, good flock of Dunlins, Bar Tailed Godwits ( 3), 100 c Black Tailed Godwits. Curlews, Lapwings, Teal , Shelduck, Shovelers, Buzzard, Pied Wagtails, 6 x Yellow Wagtails. Big flock of Starlings. 11 x Little Egrets just on Priors. Hundreds of Black Headed Gulls roosting on Monks.

Iain Crawford

Monmouth, Wye and Monnow river bank

Thu 29th Aug 2019

Main sighting: Female kestrel

Female kestrel, 3 grey wagtails, 20 goldfinch, 55 pied wagtails, a raven, 7 common gulls, a heron, 185 mallard

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]