Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mark Davies

The Blorenge

Tue 27th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Whimbrel

A Whimbrel near Keepers Pond this morning

Iain Crawford

Usk Valley walk, Bryn area

Tue 27th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Oystercatcher

2 oystercatcher, 2 common sandpiper, 11 goosander 6 m 5f, 200 sand Martins, green woodpecker, 2 collared doves, 2 goldfinch, 2 grey herons, 2 little egrets, a yellow wagtail

David Hathaway

Crumblands wood

Tue 27th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Cuckoo

Cuckoo calling in woods,lots of song thrushes singing and GS woodpecker’s drumming

Christopher Reading


Mon 26th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Redwing

A solitary Redwing rooting in the mud in a shallow part of the canal at Rogerstone.

Allan Dowson

St Davids Vale

Mon 26th Apr 2021

Main sighting: redstart

Had a good day at this beautiful location,despite a cold wind.Pied Flycatcher male,Tree Pipit heard and seen,3-Redstarts 2m 1f,Cuckoo calling from across the valley,a Wood Warbler heard trilling but i couldn’t locate it,Garden Warbler and Willow Warblers heard singing.Several Nuthatches and good numbers of Blue and Great Tits.

Ed Stevens

Caldicot pill

Mon 26th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Cuckoo

Cuckoo seen perched on driftwood far eastern end of caldicot pill.

Graham Agg

Trellech Common Woods

Mon 26th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

Woodwarbler singing near Maryland car park – the first I’ve heard this year.

Jon Austin Holmes

coed morgan

Sun 25th Apr 2021

Main sighting: swifts

3 swifts heading north at a rate of knots (pardon the pun)

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Sun 25th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Swift

A single Swift over Machen this morning is our earliest inland record. Sand Martin 8 near breeding site. Several Blackcaps and a few Willow Warblers Linnet 4 and Bullfinch 4.

Nick Saunders


Sat 24th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Greenfinch

At last a singing male Greenfinch in the the garden, sad this is now unusual.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Sat 24th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Bar Tailed Godwit

87-Bar Tailed Godwits today at high tide many in full breeding plumage,also 2-Black Tailed Godwits,2-Whimbrels and several Knot two of which were in breeding plumage.16h00-17h30

David Roberts


Sat 24th Apr 2021

Main sighting: Swallow

Single swallow over mountainside south of Pontypool, 2.25 this afternoon. Also a Wheatear.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]