Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Blair Jones, Paul Joy and Nicola Johns

Goldcliff Lagoons

Tue 7th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Waders and Med Gull

Dawn Visit and high tide. Monks Lagoon – Busiest Lagoon at the moment : 100+ Black Tailed Godwits, 7 + Knot ( one is in nice breeding plumage), 20c Dunlins, 20+ Redshanks, 10 x Oystercatchers, 15+ Lapwings, 4 x Little Egret, 1 x grey Heron, 2 x Cormorants, 60+ Black Headed Gulls. x Mediteranean Gull ( checked my pics and confirmed, 1 x Common Sandpiper, 7 x Linnets, 1 x Raven, 7 x Carrion Crows. 6+ Shelduck. 2 x Little Ringed Plover, 10 + Ringed Plover. 1 x AvocetThere are some juves around. Priors was quiet – Usual coots and ducks. Becs had Ringed Plovers, 12 x Avocets, 6+ Redshanks , 10+ Black tailed Godwits and 20+ Black Headed Gulls.
Also- Swifts, Swallows and House Martins observed.
Dead shrew found near Seawall Hide.
Very cold and windy for July!

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Mon 6th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Waders

Afternoon visit at low tide. Out on the foreshore mud was a nice flock of 90+ Black Tailed Godwits. Mixed in with them were 7c Knot. They flew in and landed in Priors ( sea wall end) for a short time before being disturbed by a Buzzard. ( normal brown form).
Later they returned to Priors and landed in Priors near the Marsh Platform.
Als0 seen – Little Egret and Marsh Harrier ( female).

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Mon 6th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Lockdown freedom birding

0430 hrs start – 0950. Chiffchaff 2 (1 alarm calling by entrance), common whitethroat 1 singing. Hide 3 – 18 redshanks, brief views of spotted redshank, 2 whimbrel, buzzard, 13 lapwing, 3 cormorants through, female tufted duck, 2 linnets, 2 grey herons, glossy ibis showed briefly from lagoon 3 across to priors (0510), starlings, 8 swifts and a barnacle goose that dropped in briefly before flying over the Pill and the sea wall. Seawall – 2 gt black-backed gulls, 11 avocets, 28 curlew and pied wagtails along the wall. Marsh platform – 9 swallows, siskin overhead calling, gt spotted woodpecker calling, pheasant heard, 114 black-tailed godwits (many in breeding plumage), 9 knot mixed in, 6 lt egrets, avocet (5-6 week juvenile), 11 dunlin and marsh harriers. Snipe platform – 7 teal in eclipse plumage, greylags, meadow pipits, 25 oystercatchers roosting with 9 turnstone close by and 253 roosting black headed gulls (including 4 juvs). Redshank platform – 6 ringed plovers, 2 little ringed plovers (no sign of the 3 reported chicks), 13 dunlin and ravens. Hide 1 – common sandpiper and 7 house martins aerial feeding. Other – meadow browns, several gatekeepers, 1 small heath and 1 rabbit.

Dave Littleton

Goldcliff 5.45-7.15pm

Sat 4th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Ruff

Plenty of waders taking shelter on the first lagoon mainly this evening, including a Ruff, 15 Knot including one in summer plumage, 70+ Black Tailed Godwit, 5 Dunlin, 4 Turnstone, 4 Curlew as well as the usual numbers of Redshank, Rnged Plover and Lapwig. Also 300+ Black Headed Gulls, and a Buzzard hovering in the wind only a few feet off the ground- it was pretty breezy. A Heron, perched on a rail, was showing a keen interest in some still quite small Mallard ducklings, whose mother unwisely took them past it, however the Heron was ‘mobbed’ and distracted by a white butterfly flying round its head and the Mallard family managed to get away.

David Hathaway

Crumblands wood

Sat 4th Jul 2020

Main sighting: Jackdaws

Sorry clicked too soon ,
I was walking in wood little time ago and the jackdaw/crow calls were very loud.
They were in the tree tops. The crows seemed to chase the jackdaws out. They formed massive flocks and I estimated there was well over a 1000. The crows chased them and eventually flew off towards Monmouth.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Thu 2nd Jul 2020

Main sighting: Avocet

Birds of note this afternoon;5-Avocets,3-Knot.15h00-15h35

Robert Price

Pen y fan pond

Thu 2nd Jul 2020

Main sighting: Hobby

Hobby hunting over Pen y fan pond, observation time 20 minutes, swooping after sand and house martins

John Lawton

Goldcliff Monk's Lagoon

Thu 2nd Jul 2020

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank summer plumage

In the channel between the island and hide one, a Spotted Redshank in beautiful summer plumage and a Common Redshank. Also on the bank of the island a Little Egret, two Coots, a Common Sandpiper and 2 pairs of Little Ringed Plovers. At the back of the lagoon opposite hide two c.20 Black-Tailed Godwit and c.40 Black-Headed Gulls.. Channel behind island a c.8 Dunlin, c.6 Ringed and c.4 Little Ringed Plovers. Female Marsh Harrier over.

Mark Whitaker


Thu 2nd Jul 2020

Main sighting: Quail

My wife heard the bird calling twice at around 10.40 pm from same location, so apparently holding territory – a neighbour also heard it recently but didn’t know what it was.

Chris Stone


Thu 2nd Jul 2020

Main sighting: Med gull Ad

As well as the sum plum Med gull there was an what I believe to be a Porpoise swimming out with the tide (am), the tide is coming back in this afternoon so might be worth looking out for.

Iain Crawford

Penallt and Wye valley walk

Wed 1st Jul 2020

Main sighting: Grey wagtail

Correction, grey wagtail not a yellow one.

Iain Crawford

Penallt and Wye valley walk

Wed 1st Jul 2020

Main sighting: Ravens

4 ravens, 2 buzzards, 12 House martins, 8 swallows, 5 swifts, heron, stock dove, green woodpecker, cormorant, yellow wagtail.